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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Jacqueline Phelan

I was having issues with figuring out how to build out my course and find the right path, I wasn't sure what to do as I had all this knowledge that could help so many. I joined EPM and Marissa, Coach Ed and Ainslee helped me organize my thoughts to present it best. I worked the materials provided, and got my course built out and a system to make this course great.

Lots of tools and concepts Talking about product is key and networking Continuing on my career path to make a business for myself.

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Demetra Dimokopoulos

I was struggling to put my ideas for a program into a cohesive structure. I joined EPM for the second time in 2023 and was blown away with Ainslee. I was astounded at how quickly and easily I put together my coaching program.

I have a second program that I can sell. Therefore, this is a second revenue stream. EPM has taught me about the foundational elements I need for a successful, engaging experience product. Leverage the power of AI to accelerate your program and incorporate the key experience elements to keep people engaged. Limitless possibilities because I now have the blueprint to create an engaging product. I can rinse and repeat.

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Philip Larson

Approaching this workshop was frustrating. 2020 meant taking three successful face-to-face workshops and giving the participants better value online. The participants are folks struggling through probation and at-risk families. Bad internet, short attention spans, low personal esteem, and more challenge the concept. Anger workshop has been a defiant monster that just would not come together for me. Prior success was working in our Life Skills/CBT THINK! Rider on the Elephant. Parenting was okay. Anger was high center. So I enrolled in EPM to see if it could get me through.
We did it! I am building the workshop week by week and started with 6 participants. The potential is huge. By going through this beta with this group and one more round with an alpha group, I expect to be able to build a fully mentored but automated approach for thousands. Right now, we do a weekly zoom with the participants doing another 1.5 hours of work online during the week. The sessions are broken into short video, workshop, reading, and more to keep the motion and allow for start and stops to match the chaotic lives.
Principles applied from EPM are effective and allow us to deliver life-changing content.
Every week someone is healing a broken relationship or resolving some inner angst or settling in at work and family. Some even are getting their children restored to the home. Money is not my big deal here. But the money keeps us in motion. Life change. A chance at a better life forward. Thanks.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Keeping the emotions intentionally engaged.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Enabled me to continue to add value to others in the crazy Covid world.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
This will give us the possibility of going nationwide and helping the 2.8 million folks struggling with probation with little real engagement.

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Shannon Hall

Although I didn't hit the literal 'Mission Accomplished' button, I definitely feel as though I accomplished the mission I set out to tackle when I started the EPM program a few months ago - to learn a ton of valuable information, and shift my mindset back to focusing on what I truly want and trusting that it will show up, if I do the work and put in the trust that things will align. I was reminded of so many important lessons, such as - simplicity and specificity is the best approach, you must be willing to show up imperfectly and earn while you learn, focus on what you can do right now, self-awareness and your 'whys' are key, and that clarity follows action! I'm taking with me a wealth of so many important lessons, and a list of action steps that I know will lead to more breakthroughs and more opportunity, such as - better time management and structure for myself, more willingness to network and make a commitment to be more visible and vulnerable in how I show up in the world, and a dedication to hold tight to my big 'whys', no matter what. EPM reconnected me to the realization that I am entirely capable of fulfilling my full potential, sharing my gifts, and impacting and serving others in positive and helpful ways on a grander scale - and make a living doing so. So yes, I feel as though I hit a big 'mission accomplished' button in my own mind, and I also look forward to hitting the 'mission accomplished' button that EPM set for us, very soon!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
There were so many big takeaways and light bulb moments for me!, but I would say the biggest one would have to be - stay connected to your big 'whys', keep them in focus, and remember their importance in keeping you motivated while navigating the challenges and pain points.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM has helped me become more successful overall, by planting the seeds of so many powerful potentialities, and purposeful pursuits.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM and the growth I've experienced throughout the program, has re-instilled in me a strong commitment and desire to take a chance on my dreams, and it has reconnected me to my big 'whys' and the importance they play in motivating me to take action, and dedicating myself to continue to learn, grow, and take chances.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The biggest change is that I've decided to pursue building a business/organization.:)

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
This program and the possibilities it embraces for its students, helped to remind me that the sky is the limit! The possibilities are limitless, if I show up to do the work.

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Montrella Cowan

YESSSSSS! We did it ????! I am thrilled to report that I made missiom accomplished! I have been wanting to create an online course for years now. I truly did not know how. I even enrolled in another eCourse training to create an online course but was not succssful. Every day my excitement for the Healthy Love Formula to transform Black Women's relationship destiny grows stronger and stronger. Thank you to Marisa Murgatroyd and Coach Carolyn Shadrach. You two are the best. Thank you for believing in us even when we did not believe in ourselves. ????

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Donna Hudgeon and Richie Gómez

Richie and I have a mission to change the culture of customer service in Panama by creating an online course that is ACCESSIBLE, super fun, engaging and motivating. We've since expanded the idea to include all of Latin America as pretty much everywhere has similar challenges. Our idea was solid but we were floundering, spending valuable time figuring out which software, what platform, delivery mode, how to market ... We had way too many loose ends. And, as it happens, just when you need it the most, you find the thing you've really been looking for. The antennae were up and they picked up EPM on offer. The timing was PERFECT. So, together (from two different countries) we've gone through the course. The systems are in place. We are on the same page and crystal clear on our direction and how we're going to get there. We feel part of a supportive community of like-minded people. Get ready Latin America! You're not going to recognise yourself once Amábili comes through

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Rita Ivanova

Before pandemic my main income source was the trips to India and a coaching was more like hobby which supported me off season. In the end of 2018 my daughter was born and in the end of 2019 pandemic changed my life in the way I didn't expected at all. I felt lost, trapped and chaotic. No clarity at all. I joined Experience Product Masterclass investing my last 360EUR to make 1st payment. I was scared, doubting myself and this program, but something just pushed me to take a risk. I came with thought to create new online program as all what I did before were no more appropriate. But it was challenging as I tried to serve many masters. And then I remembered about my 1st coaching program Strong Life Map (TM) which I have created in 2012 and I felt I should focus on it. Step by step I got more and more clarity how to reanimate this program in the way I feel happy to deliver it and speak about it with confidence and ease. By fallowing simple steps of EPM I got 7 sales: 1568EUR + 1980EUR future payments. And I feel alive again! I thank myself for taking risk and my coach Richele, Marisa and all LYM team for support and this great program.

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Barbara Jimenez

"For a couple of years I yearned to create an evergreen course but would freeze due to the overwhelm of everything that needed to be learned and done to create one. I was frustrated and knew I needed guidance but most of all accountability. I joined Experience Masterclass with Marisa and she, along with my coach Mark, gave me all the training, inspiration, and accountability to get it done. Marisa teaches that you should not have your entire product created before you begin selling it to see if it is viable and worth continuing to create or pivot. She also breaks it down into mini steps which feels doable and helps keep you on track. I launched my product with just the first training out of six completed and I had two participants enroll. Through this process I also learned that my audience and email list haven't been nurtured or given enough in order to purchase so that is my next goal before launching this product again. Marisa's wisdom and coaching on mindset is so refreshing, inspirational and you can't help but fall in love with her spirit.

I feel called to give some constructive feedback as well. I am a solopreneur building my business while I work part-time as an employee and this investment was a lot for me. One of the main reasons I purchased was because of the money back guarantee. I figured it was a no brainer because I would either earn back my investment through sales or getting back the difference. I have completed every single milestone, attended the calls required and then some, created my MVP, launched it and made sales but although I tried every strategy offered I was not able to get anyone to chatterbox with let alone the 200 required for my MVP's price point. Therefore, I feel a bit cheated because even though I have received phenomenal value and plan on continuing to implement all I have learned, I have not made back my investment through sales and now do not qualify to receive the difference of $946. And fyi I did read the requirements for the money back guarantee but really thought that I would be able to accomplish both the chatterbox-ing or the sales.

One other note I would like to suggest is that you have different categories for the asking Marisa a question on Mondays with Marisa calls. For example, my question was a very simple question about surveys which Marisa herself said she was just going to answer it quickly (at end of call) because she felt it would help many. She gave an answer but it wasn't like she coached me and we took time to discuss my survey, yet that question was counted as my question so I have not been able to review any of the important components of my MVP with her. "

The two moms that purchased by MVP were moms that knew me from working with me, saw the offer and signed up.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
"Thank you Marisa and team for creating such an amazing Masterclass and for teaching full of heart!

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Sanaiyah Gurnamal

"EPM has opened up the path forward for me to get from Point A (where I'm at) to Point B (where I want to go). I've always known what my end goal is, I just didn't know how to get there. I put this desire out to the Universe, asking for someone to show me the way, thinking perhaps I would find the right coach to support me.

Instead, an email landed in my inbox, and I opened it though I don't normally open these emails (Sorry Marisa, I didn't know what I was missing!). The EPM program that was described in the email was like an answer to my calling, so I signed up right away.

From the moment I signed up, I knew that EPM was exactly what I needed to get my online programs launched and ready to go. I watched every video, did every worksheet, persevered through my own #BreakdowntoBreakthrough moment, and found myself doing a #15DegreePivot at the 9th hour, and I was ready for all of it because the program prepared me well.

And as I went through my own personal hero's journey, I was blown away by what I accomplished - achieving Mission Accomplished and a Whole Lot More! I guess EPM is right, just do the work, one step at a time, and you WILL get there. Keep the faith. It's all real. "

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Lyndsey Jolley

I was having a problem following through in actually making the video content for my course. I was sure what to do and was intimidated and had too many options. I joined EPM and learned how to do focus in on one idea, make a paper airplane version of my course, and forced myself to start making videos (and they're pretty good!). I followed through in creating the course and enrolled 14 students in this first beta version.

I finally am creating tangible online content that I will be able to reuse in the future. Well, it's been a ton of work (which is why I had stalled out and was overwhelmed), but the biggest thing is that it has helped with is follow through. I got very clear in narrowing down my focus and messaging for the course. I will be able to repeat my course in the future and continue to improve it little by little, hopefully growing it a lot.

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