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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Jill Sussman

So this has been a fun wild ride! You guys have been amazing for sure. I didn't click with my coach but it was ok because there was soooo much other support. It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there and I wasn't all the way visible with this group, but that's ok too. I've come really far! I designed a whole program (that could use a lot of tweaking lol), but I didn't have anything before! I love the way Marisa thinks and teaches. I've learned a ton about marketing in general and will likely do the whole program again soon so I can soak even more in. Thank you all so much!!! This has truely been awesome!

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Tamra Fleming

I've spent my entire career in instructional design and teaching, and yet, my courses were not selling. I had "launch fatigue," and was losing hope that the online university I wanted to build was a bad idea until this course. EPM gave me an invaluable structured roadmap to online course creating like no other.

For the past year and a half, I've done 6 program launches and none of them met my enrollment expectations. My recent launch using the EPM way, reaped the most students I've attracted to date in one program. I tripled my income because of this course and I'm now really excited to build my online course empire with EPM wisdom in my hip pocket.

The biggest thing I learned was to connect and listen to my clients at a deeper level. This got me out from behind my computer and connected and in relationship with those who will engage with my programs.

I'm aiming for my first 5-figure launch now, and I'm confident that I can do it, thanks to Marisa and the EPM team.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

The structure for creating an experiential course and marketing it.

How did EPM help you become successful?

The road map, the validation and the core elements of making and marketing an online course were steps above what I have been doing. It was a great refinement of strategy, instructional design and how to bring people into the program successfully.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It has reignited my passion for creating online courses. This latest launch is my 6th launch in a row. I've learned more with each one, but this time, I broke a sound-barrier and NEW people joined my course instead of just my loyal followers. EPM has given me the roadmap and the validation that when using the methods, you can and will be successful.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Adding new people into my community and growing my followers. I have loyal followers who buy almost everything I have, but I need more people to make the programs really successful. With simple strategies like the Chatterbox campaign, I got out from behind my computer and connected with people, this was a game changer for me.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

The instructional design model is right up my ally. I've been in the Learning & Organization Development profession (lastly as the head of training for Starbucks) my entire life and was on the forefront of accelerated learning instructional design in the 90's. Marisa is right on track with how she creates, delivers and promotes courses. I am very grateful to have this reconnection to something I love... helping people truly learn and feel good about it!

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Gabriele Reign

Mission Accomplished! I had seven discovery sessions, working on my website, yet 5 clients signed up, YAY! I'm really excited to have been able to create an experience product, EMP rocks!
I think I posted this on my fb page (still getting used to fb), working on the techie stuff!

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Joanne Toh

I was a far cry from anywhere near being able to launch an experience product. Through the course, I felt that I had gained more clarity about the kind of product I would want, that's huge! I realised that I enjoyed writing and also felt liberated to choose what I wanted to do based on my personal qualities. Marisa's presentations are very easy to follow, however it was too much for me to 'digest'. I felt that I was not ready to decide on the form of my experience product. I was really stuck as I seemed not ready to make the decision. I also want to get over the hurdle of getting my website up and running, it was too new with many new things bombarding me constantly so I was overwhelmed. But I was glad to think through many of the stuff in the first 4 modules. Will eventually plow through all the modules, before the end of the year! Who knows, I believe Marisa has provided all I need and I just need to be confident enough to launch and see the market respond!

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Kathryn Lowe

I had a burning desire for several years to create an online educational program. But I didn't know where to start or how to do it. And for that matter I didn't even know what the class was going to be about! But through EPM I was aget ble to clear on what I'm passionate about and who I want to serve. I became a Certified Financial Coach, and I now get to coach and train women to master their money and build financial security and wealth while staying true to who they are.

Through following Marisa's directions, I was able to create a marketing campaign anc course in 10 weeks. It now longer felt confusing and it was clear how to do it. And by the end of EPM I was inviting people to join me in the beta launch of the my new online class. It's the class I always wished I had when I was struggling financially.

On my way to launching, it wasn't always easy. Writing marketing copy was like learning a new language. It was challenging! It turns out I really enjoy it, but it was a stretch and it didn't come naturally at first.

And then when it came time to launch my marketing campaign I was so scared! Seriously. I wanted to quit. To give up. I felt too afraid to go through with it and my mind was begging me to quit. "Don't bother" my brain said. "No one will sign up for it anyway.'' "You'll suck at it and no one will like what you have to say anyway" my mind screamed. I was becoming convinced it was best if I gave up on this dream, because it sure would have been more comfortable!

But I didn't. And I sent the invites. And I told my friends and colleagues about the program I was offering. And you know what, people registered for the class! 11 of them! And I just lead the first lesson of the 8 Week Money Fix program today to my new students. What an incredible feeling! I already got great feedback and I'm so grateful I stuck with it, even though I was afraid. I'm so proud of myself and I'm so excited to guide these wonderful students through my new program.

The support I got in EPM kept me going, and now I've been able to fulfill a dream I've had for a long time. Now I get to help make a difference in people's lives, while getting to teach from anywhere in the world where there's an internet connection.

Thank you so much,

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM? So many takeaways! I'd say the biggest is that I didn't even know my niche when I started! Now I'm clear what I want to do and who I want to work with. That is HUGE!

How did EPM help you become successful? EPM walked us step by step through the process of creating a product. Because everything was broken down into bite-sized pieces it took the overwhelm out of the process. Also, the importance of the coaching cannot be overstated. We had so much support! I knew I was never alone.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I have been wanting to lead an online program for years, but I didn't know how or where to start. It felt mysterious and overwhelming. By doing EMP and being successful in creating and launching my first program, I have a level of pride and amazement at my accomplishments I haven't experienced before. While the steps to do this became very clear through this program, I experienced real fear as I put myself out there and asked people to pay money to take my program. But I pushed through the fear and I have grown tremendously as a person. It's hard to put into words how this feels. I feel courageous and proud of myself!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I started it! In 10 weeks I went from not knowing what my business or niche would be, to being clear on what I offer and launching my first group program. And I went from making zero to making $2000 in that same short amount of time too. Cool!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product? I have wanted to create a program like the one I did while in EPM for a long time. Now I'm doing it! And it will become the flagship offering for my business. So I'm excited that I'm creating the foundation of a successful business that will make a difference for a lot of people.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I'm so grateful I enrolled in EPM! Really, it's the best course of it's kind I've ever done! Thank you.

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Rob Turner

2 things, first up, I have hit MA! With my product Traffic Lab.
All by chatterbox. I am just starting writing my perfect email campaign and making a sales page now. Next up I’ll start Facebook and Google ads.
Along the way I pivoted, well not so much a pivot as when I got to a fork in the road….. shall I turn left? Shall I turn right? I took both roads and added a 2nd product, a completely new one, The International Coach Registry –

2nd thing, I can’t recall ever asking for testimonials, certainly not in the last 20 years. Never quite had the courage I guess. Thanks to EPM and MM, I took the plunge today and so far I have emailed 3 people asking for a testimonial. About to ask a few more. I got one back almost immediately, from one of our long-term digital agency clients and it blew me away. It was from a very smart, analytical business owner client, she said: “Working with Robert has opened a whole new world of understanding of online marketing and website SEO maximisation . He has filled the much-needed gap in the management skills of the Company and directly influenced an improvement in the turnover of the business.” She doesn't know it but I have a whole new bunch of ideas for her business that I'm about to unleash, should be a good year!

Thanks Marisa for giving me the impetus to ask for a testimonial.
I've just arrived in LA, really looking forward to M2M. See you there I hope

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Jason K

For at least a few years now, I’ve been contemplating why me (and other people) are unable to finish projects they start. I’ve done the research and know the theory, and while figuring out how to put it together, but not actually taking enough steps, randomly came across EPM. I joined because I knew I could at least see another perspective on how someone else (Marisa) tackled the problem. By joining EPM, I’ve been able to see a lot of the factors which contribute to mission accomplished in action. My business which I’ve been working on for a couple years now, which has not had a concrete launch or product has grown through EPM, because I have clarity in what I want to offer and what I need to do in order to move forward. I’ve also gotten a clearer picture on how to boost performance and completion rates of projects, which conveniently is part of my own coaching product. I have not made any sales yet, but am excited to be launching my experience product in the upcoming weeks and feel much more confident with what I have to offer, after having gone through EPM.

Overall, I think the key takeaways for me personally are that I have been able to address and fight the perfectionist in me, and to build habits of doing (a.k.a. getting started choices) in order to move forward and create a great experience product myself.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I've learned that I need let go of perfection and focus on my getting started choices in order to generate momentum and keep going.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM helped me breakdown the steps I need to do in order to run a business and also increased my confidence in my abilities.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I've become better at getting start and letting go of perfection. Consequently, I've become more confident in my ability to finish projects and help others.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I was overwhelmed with the amount of different actions that are required in order to start a business. I am still somewhat overwhelmed, but have been able to break it down into manageable steps, and also create more structure and better put it into form.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I'm most excited about being to able to finish creating my experience product in order to help clients, and also to make money while doing it.

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Denise Gosnell

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

From EPM, my biggest takeaway was learning the importance of including the 10 experience escalation factors into all my future program offerings to make them more engaging and fun to complete.

How did EPM help you become successful?

The structure of EPM held me accountable to making progress, and made me even more excited to continue moving ahead. I also loved how EPM gave so many options to allow you to iterate your way to awesome even when you didn't have everything figured out.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I've been a successful entrepreneur for decades, and this is the first program I've completed all of the lessons for in years. That is very telling to the very point you made in your launch campaign - about the power of engagement. You made a believer out of me and I will never look at the delivery of training programs and coaching the same way. Thank you for opening my eyes to a much better way of engaging with your clients that is a whole lot more fulfilling! I still have a lot to finish, but now I know what is possible.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

The biggest change has been in how I view the creation and delivery of my programs. Related to what I said above, the fact that this program is the only online program I've fully finished in years because of how engaging it made the whole process - that makes me view my business differently. I'll forever be working on including these same elements into all my future offerings.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I'm most excited about finishing the Experience Version of my program and membership site in March 2019 and keeping the momentum going. I already had a venture capital company reach out to me to ask if I'd like to sell my company, and that is very exciting to already have the attention of those kinds of companies with what I'm doing.

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Iris Stallworth Grayling

I'm soo excited. At the eleventh hour I reached Mission Accomplished. I'm too tired to share more than to say EPM is AMAZING! Thank you's to all of you, Marisa is high-end quality who attracts quality. Hope to see you at M2M Live

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Jeannette Koczela

I decided to take the EPM course because it bothered me that clients weren’t finishing my courses. I knew that I needed to get them more engaged and give them a WOW experience.

Your course was the ticket to success I needed and I am so impressed with all the training that we received. It was a lot of information and intense keeping up with it all, but I was able to keep up with everything the lessons told us to do, and learned so much in the process.

You gave us everything we needed to create a successful program and launch. I even had time to make the first module of my course just so I could see how I could combine all that I had learned in the experience escalation sequence.

Now I feel like I can create programs that have surprises and other engaging activities to keep clients interested and moving through the program. This was truly one of the best courses I have taken and I will definitely recommend it to my network of coaches.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Knowing how to make programs more interesting and engaging

How did EPM help you become successful?
The information and modeling of the information was very helpful. The lessons were very thorough and took me step by step through the process. Everything I needed to know to create the product and launch it was there.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It remains to be seen but I am grateful to have taken the course and now I want to take more time to go back through the lessons and go deeper into them.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I was frustrated because people weren't completing my programs and I thought maybe my courses were too dry. Now I have an entry level product to offer that is more interesting and engaging and I know how to make more where that came from.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Doing another launch and get more sales.

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