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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Victoria Orielly (San Diego)

My biggest external shift has been the 4 pivots done within the Experience Masterclass. I started out with a spiritual/relationship retreat and under Marisa’s guidance pivoted to the Health and Wellness niche- which is where I have my actual business. My second product idea was Dr. O’s Anti-Inflammatory Blueprint, based on my husband’s work as a holistic dentist with healing gum problems.

Then he and I decided we would do webinars to introduce alternative practitioners to holistic dentistry, as it seemed more promising. 4th pivot: update to Anti-Inflammatory Blueprint once again, as this is simpler for us to deliver. That whole process has taken from the first day of EPM until last Monday, 11/28!

My biggest internal shift is that I feel that we are seriously launching an online business that will allow us to switch from exchanging dollars for hours to another income source. This gives me a lot of hope for the future and for my ability to create new and exciting opportunities. Also that my husband can actually retire at some point and stop working quite as hard.

Additionally all this online engagement has been challenging for me as I am something of a technophobe and don't even own a cell phone. So even coming on a Zoom Q&A was a big shift for me.

Our Experience product, Dr. O’s Anti-Inflammatory Blueprint and online Program will be a free download from our landing page leading to a $7 product and a $49 product. The $7 product will be a simple home care program, along with a bonus video on proper hygiene for the gums and a report on the relationship between gum inflammation, intestinal inflammation and diet. We plan to over deliver.

The $49 product will be a webinar (that will become evergreen) to further educate on the gum/gut relationship along with a bonus ebook of gluten free recipes. There will also be a 6-month membership to a private Facebook page where my husband will do monthly Q & A’s. At some point we will probably translate the $7 product into Spanish and deliver it in other countries. Eventually we will look at designing a Lifestyle/Health Retreat.

We plan to promote it using Facebook live videos, surveys on Linked In. We are members of several huge Health and Wellness groups on LinkedIn. We have Youtube video with over half a million hits and will be putting an overlay with a link on that and getting more active on our Youtube channel.

We also have a relationship with a Gluten Free Singles site of 6,000 members where we have been invited to do blog posting. We have numerous articles already written on the ‘leaky gut/leaky gums’ connection. And will be creating a funnel to that and JVing with other gluten free sites/bloggers.

Okay…so we haven’t actually made any money because we just finished our landing page, finally, today! Check it out, I am truly jazzed! We also have Kajabi in the works to deliver our products. We have the web name

Thanks to EPM we finally have a direction and some actual steps we have taken to create our online business. While this may seem like very little to show for our participation, this is the furthest we’ve gotten down the path since our first Marlon Sanders course in 2005! And we’ve been in 3 other programs since then that have gotten us nowhere.

So thank you Marisa and Murray for all your efforts. We are certain to have hard numbers to report to you when we see you at the event in February!

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Sonja Simak

Your Graduation Story
It has been a ride against the odds.
The training started at the busiest time of my year. I kept up as much as I could by burning the midnight oil, waiting to stay awake for the here in SA 11:00 pm call going into the new day. Eventually my body caved in.

I barely hung in there.
I had a Christmas vacation booked to spend time with my children in Ireland and the UK. the exhaustion took over and I slept through most of the vacation to catch up on long lost sleep of weeks before.
In December we had huge storms which cut the internet connection during coaching times. This was so disappointing.
Then, South Africa was hit with massive power outages at all times of the day and electricity supply cut-offs affected all internet communication to become greatly stressful.
In January, and still currently ongoing, our internet is slow due to cable stress on the ocean floors.
Internet connections have been complicated to say the least. Add the technical challenges and the recipe for disaster - or flopped cake - is ready.

But, I was determined to carry on. I caught up with as many coaching calls as I could and tried to keep up with the assignments. Some I managed and some I did not.

Early in January my world fell apart as I realized that I could not get all the work done in time for launch, yet I had the launch date in my calendar to keep to.

I launched my training yesterday, 29 January with only 2 clients @ $247 per client. So, yes from an income perspective I failed.

I do have a list of prospective trainees that could not make the January intake from my own email list, which is really positive for me.

However, I am busy writing my training material every day. This is the easy part and I thoroughly enjoy this part.

Have I failed in total?
No. I have had to go to plan D to launch, but that I did.

I am looking at re-launching early in February through FaceBook - now that I have a training platform in place.

So, nothing is perfect. What I have now is what I have. Improvement may and probably will happen when I re-do all the trainings in my own time over the next 3 months.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It does not have to be perfect
So many learnings especially the sessions with Don gave me a huge breakthrough especially the nailing it on Facebook.
While this is something I am going to venture into next, I now have the confidence to do so.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The step by step guidance system

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Gaining know-how and confidence to venture and do it again.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Pushing me to go and DO it!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
To do it again, and again until success comes my way

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Amy Krymkowski

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

My biggest takeaway from EPM is affirming how my fear of being successful, which in itself is a real challenge, largely exists in my own mind and that I can absolutely break this mindset and way of thinking by the shear mantra I continually heard throughout this program -- I can iterate my way to awesome. The past 10 weeks have been so revealing for me in that I quietly took steps to work the program and the milestones and as we got closer to the 2 week break in Christmas, I lost my moment and my fear of getting closer to potential success increased.

Fortunately, I found so much AFFIRMATION in the messaging that is offered in everything EPM offers. The "iterating" and Earn While You Learn" mantra has literally been a life saver for me and my mindset and self-identity. I know I have all I need to make the magic happen and although I have not sold a VIP (or future 1:Few program yet), I have envisioned myself doing it in my mind and had several chatterbox conversations where I felt myself doing it in the moment. This is my biggest learning because it has been a pattern in my life and largely what has kept in the same job for the past 8 years -- and which will change in 2019!!

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM has helped me in two ways that for me are signs of success. The first is it has afforded me the courage to hold myself accountable to a decision to quit my job of 8 years this Spring and become a full-time independent coach and consultant. This is a success for me because it means I am finally embracing my own value and worth in a way that is overdue. Second, it has helped me recognize that I have all of the ingredients in me coupled with the tools and wisdom of EPM to actually sell my skills and talents for a price that I never thought would be possible.

During my chatterbox campaign, I spoke with a former client of mine who I coached for 6 months 1:1 to help him reach his mission accomplished. When I shared my idea about my product and offer and the price, not only did he tell me he would pay it but said that once its ready, he would be happy to refer other executives that he knows to me and will give me a testimonial for my website. I realize this has not happened yet, but I believe and know that I can happen -- it does not seem like a mountain I can never climb or get around to reach my goal.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Not only has the clear messaging been helpful in helping me to shift my mindset but it has given me throughout structure that I can use and follow as I create products of my own for the first time in a way that I believe will set me apart from my competition. I was and continue to be excited about how I can be more creative, curious and thoughtful in designing a 1:1 or 1:Few coaching experience for my clients utilizing the Experience Product Formula. Based on what I have created thus far, and will clearly by iterating, my anxiety levels around this have shifted as I allow my thoughts and ideas to flow more naturally.

I have an example of how I have seen my success in learning the EPM Experience Product formula has impacted my way of seeing new opportunities in myself and in my work like never before. In short, a woman friend and I are in the process of designing a 4 hour workshop. We are expanding on a 2.5 hour workshop we designed and led last fall. We met just after new year to begin brainstorming our ideas, I found myself making suggestions that mirrored much of what I have been learning over the past 10 weeks and was amazed at how much I was retaining in my head and soul. This is huge for me given how much I was feeling unsure about my own understanding and wisdom gained in the course and the fact I could see I would not reach Mission Accomplished by Feb 5th. It means I will reach MA in the timeline that allows me the opportunity to see a true success (e.g. selling even 1 of my programs to one person).

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Well, I have not yet seen a change financially namely because I have not started the marketing my product in a timely manner. The biggest change for me is that I am committing to spending more time on my business beginning in April. Shifting from 5-7 hours every week to 20-25 hours. If I can build the business in 12 months that I hope to build, I will shift to 35 hours per week by 2020. My biggest opportunity is to instill the habit of working on my business everyday to be successful in reaching these goals.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am most excited that I am not giving up and will be coming to M2M Live next week to make sure I don't!! I am committing to myself without having much evidence of having made a sale yet. I know I can sell however since I have private clients right now in addition to a full-time job. I never knew that I could be more creative and design my own programs that feel more like a true expression of myself and that I can not only earn while I learn but that I have the potential to earn 6-figures (like I once did), working hard being of service to others but with an even deeper sense of purpose and clarity about allowing myself to build and cultivate my own greatness. I have a lot of work ahead and am grateful to be challenged by it.

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Mary Schiller

I'm very happy to say that I already made back the cost of this program -- in one day -- using just one thing I learned here: the mission statement. Thank you! Let me know if you want me to share details of what I did, in case it's helpful.

For some more encouragement to everyone here, I just hit my stretch goal today of $6,000 for a 1:1 coaching program I set up and launched in basically a day using the pricing model and mission statement from EPM. I have *never* done anything like that before, nor have I made that kind of cash from one program or even in one month. Not even close!

Very, very grateful for what I've learned here so far, and I will continue to adopt what works for me and for my audience. Thank you, Marisa Murgatroyd and team, and much gratitude to the people in this group for the amazing energy and support.

Yesterday, I woke up with an idea for a one-month, 1:1 coaching program on a topic that I know is of interest to my audience. Because of some time constraints in my life right now, I decided to make it only for the month of October, which means I had zero time to market it. So I wrote a rather lengthy email, used a mission statement, said the program was limited to 4 people, included a PayPal link for $997, and clicked "send" to my MailChimp list of 300 people.

Basically, I ignored every thought that said, "This will never work, Mary!" I had one signup immediately and another a short time later. I have a third person who is probably going to say "yes" (he asked for a 2-payment plan), and another who is considering it, as well. Pretty fun, especially since I've never charged more than $700/month for 1:1 coaching and have always had a complimentary call with people first.

This time, the price was higher and people bought without even talking to me. I attribute that to the fact that I'm very visible in my tiny niche, so people have been exposed to me quite a bit this year. Many lessons learned here. If I can do this, anyone can. I'm about as far away from an entrepreneurial business person as you can get!

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Neha Vikas

Your Graduation Story
well my biggest victory is that i took my in person business to a phone screen and it felt like a legend

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
the biggest take away for the epm programme is that its okay to move forward with out the need to be perfect. good is good enough

How did EPM help you become successful?
epm helped me clear lot of my myths about how to run a business

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
well it opened up lot of avenues for me to reach higher and expand my business

What has been the biggest change in your business?
from in person to on phone screen is the biggest change i got to see in my business

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
that i can do so much more in so less time... that's a huge one for me

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Colette Ivey

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

There is so much more to creating a successful online business than I thought

How did EPM help you become successful?

I believe I will have a strong direction and impact in my niche

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I have clear focus I’m excited and feel like I know exactly what to do

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I believe I can do it now, instead of letting more years pass before I launch

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

That I can do it over and over and get better and better

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Maria Kellis

I got some exciting news - i am about to get on a contract for my first 1,000 euros on my topic for a workshop in China. I have barely started putting the material together and I get to teach it. How cool is that!?! I have been compiling the answers for my 72 surveys, doing my bird's eye view, my mission statement, writing my story.

So when they got in touch with me a couple of days ago to ask me if I would be willing to get on the list to replace a teacher (they have already 40 participants and they needed a replacement teacher) and the topic was "couples" I was laughing (perfect I am ready).

I said "yes", sent them the stuff I already had (hoping that it is good enough), and they just confirmed that it is a go. :) Excited - this is my first time working in China. :) I have always wanted to go there. :)

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Shirley Quarmby

Your Graduation Story
I came into EPM with a vague of launching an online cookery course and from the start of doing Niche Down Profits up, I have gained more and more clarity what ideas and vision. What I've loved about EPM is the PRACTICAL step by step approach getting me slowly but surely to the point of being able to launch something. I know without a doubt, I would not have got this far or achieved this much without EPM. I am in the middle of launching as I write this so I am not sure if I will reach mission accomplished; only time will tell. Even if I don't, I know the investment has been well worth it.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Done is better than perfect

How did EPM help you become successful?
The practical steps it takes you through

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I don't know yet; it's too early to tell. But it's been an enjoyable journey so far and I know I"m only just at the beginning. It's given me the framework and mindset to believe in myself and what I can offer my tribe.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Just getting it started and creating something from nothing

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
To see the positive affect and transformation of people's lives as they grow in confidence in their baking skills and the enjoyment they get from sharing the deliciousness with friends and family and the ripple effect that will have to a happier and less isolated and lonely world.

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Jacqueline Davis

I defined success as getting to Mission Accomplished and making $2000 or more in 10 weeks or less. So, by that definition I did not become successful. Unfortunately, I got no sales and didn't make any money.

But, I completed the program. How? By staying focused, taking action, asking questions, getting encouragement and following the advice from my coach. Looks as though I have a lot of iterating to do before I have an awesome product.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Sometimes even the best plan and consistent action don't get you to Mission Accomplished.

How did EPM help you become successful?

Hmm, I defined success as getting to Mission Accomplished and making $2000 or more in 10 weeks or less. So by that definition I did not become successful. But, I completed the program. How? by staying focused, taking action, asking questions, getting encouragement and following the advice from my coach.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I never worked so hard in such a short amount of time for so little financial reward. It has been an extremely tough time. I will see how I can pivot and start at the beginning.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

When I first started the business I was making $500-$1500 per in-home decorating plan. And, now I've made $0. The biggest change is that my income has gone backwards!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I'm most excited about reviewing the videos to see if I can figure out how I can pivot and generate income.

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Kasandrea Sereno

This video might be one of the most valuable ways I've spent an hour in the last year (and I'm in grad school!) So much serious information and tips, I keep pausing and taking notes and writing thoughts. I'm beyond impressed! :)

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