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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Paula W

I have made my very first online sale! A small step counting the amount of money (Euro 97.-), but a big step business wise. I now know what was missing in the past. I now know what I did to get this one sale. I know what to do from now on. I finally have a working basis for an online business! In 1999 I started a smoke free disco in Cologne.

The marketing was super simple and the thing a hit. In 2012 with “lunchbeat” I made an epic misstake with the marketing – media loved the concept of dancing your lunch break once a month, paying customers in Berlin did NOT. Having 45 journalists and three TV camera teams covering ones own f*ckup hurts.

Since then I've spent some $ 8000.- on various online programs, both more specific marketing but also general online businesses building … all costing time and money - and me failing with all.

Luckily it mostly felt like there are some important stuff these other guys assume that I already know and can apply. But I didn't, and thus I didn't get it working. But I didn't understand WHAT was missing, just THAT is was something crucial.

I was on Marisa´s list for years. Intuition / feeling told me that she is somehow different. But with too many emails generally, I had signed of some time ago. Then an email from another great online teacher came, strongly suggesting to check out Marisa and something called EPM.

WOW – here it is! A kind of immediate knowing that somewhere in this EPM these “missing links” will be hiding. And they are. Actually probably hundreds of “missing links” to succes.

Three things I´d like to point out:

1) by splitting a business building process up into detail, I could start to identity my weak spots marketing and business wise and over the program I experienced several tide turning break-throughs of clarification,

2) with the help of my coach and fellow EPMers I´d over and over re-work so that core weaknesses around “wanting to create something impressively grand” would melt down to something real,

3) and it is a lot ( L O T ) of work, but it is the necessary work.

The work that finally brought me a positive outcome.

I´d also like to point out the training part around marketing – also here in the past I had learned some of the “big” methods, but I hadn't learned the necessary smaller methods. That´s though where to start, isn't it? Guess what, the very most simple ones were the ones that worked for me. At ZERO costs.

Next to the actually sale, I also have seven great testimonials from free try out sessions. Thanks to EPM I now have fund a language and methods to present my service in such a way that people get what it is. These testimonials are true. People are seriously gaining form the healing I offer. The present “richness” may still not be there in money, but it is there in people.

I feel great – after my back story to get CONFIDENCE back in has been soo important.

It is the first program ever that I look forward to, to go back and work through it again. I´m already thinking of maybe doing EPM a second time later in 2019 .. it´s more of life style than a program and a training.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

I HAVE MADE MY VERY FIRST SALE through online business and marketing activities. To para phrase Neil Armstrong: It may be a small step to “only” make € 97.-, but as a first sale, it is a HUGE breakthrough step.

Confidence - I can do this.

How did EPM help you become successful?

By meticulously breaking a business process down into all the nitty gritty little details (and putting them in a workable order), I've learned so much about where things went wrong in the past (sometimes expensively very wrong).

I've been hanging there several times the last years after various trainings, wondering if I´m stupid or somehow not made for an online business. But now finally understanding what I did not know, what these other guys didn't cover (leaving pitfalls for me and other to fall into) has been and is very relieving. From which confidence returns.

So now I´m but by but building a business … not just hoping a business.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Enormous gain in clarity. Away from chasing the goals of the dreams of others, to boil my self down what I actually really want to do & that others also want & are willing to pay for.

I gave a few session for free to friends. I asked for a testimonial before the session, and by now I have seven really good testimonials.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

My very first sale. Simple and groundbreaking as that. Simplifying and aiming from where I am. Not trying to pretend to be elsewhere, creating castles in the air (maybe that´s a German saying). Suddenly people are interested.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I’m now building a basic website for “Healing for Awakening” (I have both the and the addresses). Quite some legal stuff to care for, since I do offer spirit healing, that slowed me down.

The connections with some fellow student will go on beyond this, and there are some seriously important “awakening and healing as a service” business friendships made.

I might be back for another round of EPM, if offered next autumn.

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Richard Greaney

I couldn't have stumbled across this video series at a better time. I am literally in the process of getting clear on the philosophy behind my future online program. I know exactly what the program will be about, and have a process that I will teach. But the approach is what still needs work. I didn't want to rush in and develop something that I knew wasn't the best angle it could possibly be. If I didn't think it was great, then customers definitely wouldn't.

I want to launch something I absolutely know will help people. I want them to quote me in conversation as one of those people who helped them realise something huge that helped them change their lives.

You know what's interesting is that one of the only online courses I've ever followed through to completion followed the exact formula you are talking about! It got me hooked on day one, and I just had to come back each subsequent day to find out what was around the corner.

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Alisa Charles

Your Graduation Story
I've been wanting to put together a training for HR professionals for such a long time. Going through EPM was exactly that, it was an ""experience""and I will be ready to Launch HR Mentor Academy on Feb 3rd.

I remember receiving the emails about EPM and it sounded amazing but wasn't quite sure if the time was right. But I took the leap any way and I am so glad I did.

Now I am farther along than ever and feel much more ready to do this, thanks to EPM.

It is intense, it is is everything I needed to achieve the mission.

I remember Marisa talking about this early on..if you follow her steps, you will achieve mission accomplished. And that stuck with me the entire time of EPM.

This process was epic and unlike any training I have through all wrapped in one experience.

Funny thing is I had gone through a training before that I really enjoyed, and learned that this person also learned from Marisa..that was awesome to learn.

So I am excited to launch on Monday and looking to go from $0 to reaching my strech goal very soon.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The mindshift that I can do it too

How did EPM help you become successful?
I am ready to launch, will reiterate to awesome, then rinse and repeat with other programs

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have a better plan now to launch my ideas and programs

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Greater clarity

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Growth and achieving financial goals; as well as helping other is the best way possible.

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Shannon Crossman

Before EPM I'd lost my one client of many years, he moved his business to the East Coast. After EPM, I landed two new clients and surpassed the income I was previously earning.

EPM helped me figure out how to talk about what I do in a compelling way that actually connects with the customer. Now, I feel more confident, more capable of achieving my goals and more excited about the possibilities of doing my "bigger work" in the world.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

"Iterate your way to awesome." There is so much freedom in this phrase - the capacity to learn as you earn. The permission to make mistakes. And most of all, that a decision made now is better than not moving forward at all. Decisions can always be reviewed and revised later.

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM helped me figure out how to talk about what I do in a compelling way that actually connects with the customer. Revolutionary!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I feel more confident, more capable of achieving my goals and more excited about the possibilities of doing my "bigger work" in the world.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before EPM I'd lost my one client of many years, he moved his business to the East Coast. After EPM, I landed two new clients and surpassed the income I was previously earning.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I'm most excited about continuing to iterate and integrate this information into everything I do.

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Acland Brierty

Just want to say that I've been a long time lurker of liveyourmessage and this has got to be the BEST thing I've ever seen from you guys! We do food tours to India and while the tours are fun and exciting it got me thinking about the EXPERIENCE we give through our emails and website etc. which is kind of boring.

To cut a long story short, I re-wrote an email this morning to a few customers who I thought were keen but not convinced about travelling with us but this time cut down the text and tried to capture the fun and exciting Indian experience and make the email part of that.

Well, I have just received a reply from one couple who I thought were travelling on their own but it turns out they were making plans for a small group of friends who often travel together and while they can't join us in February, they now want to book in to our Oct-Nov 2017 tour which I haven't even been released yet - that's 8 people paying just under $4,000 per person. A very welcome $30,000.

So, even though I don't sell an information product which seems to be your target market, I realise now that I kind of do when I send info about our tours out to people and the big Ah Ha moment came about when I acknowledged that our marketing doesn't even begin to reflect the experience we have on tour.

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Jan Janzen

Your Graduation Story
I was just coming out of retirement of 9 years. Someone turned me on to Marisa and before I knew it, she had me engaged. I bought on the webinar and then upgraded to Elite as I wanted the private coaching and the 2 day Lab with Marisa in her home. The upgrade was well worth it. I loved the time with Marisa - it was amazing and so helpful to get my priorities sorted out. Fabulous feedback from everyone. Having my own coach was also a huge asset and again well worth the extra investment. It wasn't easy. I went from not working to working 10 hour days 7 days a week. I used to get up at 8:00. I now get up at 5:00. BUT I wouldn't change a thing. I know that I will not be working around the clock forever, but while I need to so I can complete on my program, I will do whatever it takes. I learned to appreciate the gifts and the experience I have of 40 years as an entrepreneur and to not let the small stuff like learning new technology take me out.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I was coming out of retirement of 9 years so felt very overwhelmed and had lost my email list and didn't even know how to text on my cell phone. I conquered my fears, just got it done and it worked. People remembered me, I learned the technology necessary and I didn't stop just because it was hard.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I now have a fabulous program running, a great first group of women and I am on fire to take my message to the world.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am now definitely committed. There is no turning back. At 58 years of age, I feel like I am young again, love my mission and can't wait to impact thousands more people.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I now have a business. It's no longer a pipe dream, a wannabe.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am excited about learning from my beta program and then refining and taking it out to the world of women entrepreneurs who need help with their sales.

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Michele Benyo

When EPM came along, the timing was perfect. I had just determined I would spend the last two months of 2018 getting my book written; it was the only way I could see to get through the bog of overwhelm I had been mired in for about four years, attempting to tackle my mission.

When my book was written, I reasoned, I would then use the material and figure out how to get it out in front of the people who need it. This was not a new idea. I had come to this conclusion—“Write my book first!”—a number of times. I was determined that this time would be different! Sound familiar?

You need to know about my mission. It was set almost two decades ago. It’s one of those missions that can’t be ignored. A mission that simply must be accomplished or one’s life is meaningless.

This sounds like I am being dramatic, but if you have ever had a mission like this, you know that this is true. Some missions simply must be accomplished and will not take no for an answer. . . Being the tenacious person that I am, I have “always known” I would accomplish my mission, but it had to wait 15 years until my daughter was grown.

Then the time was right to take it on. And the challenge began. My mission? Helping parents to help children grow up healthy and whole—specifically early childhood-aged children who lose a sibling during the crucial formative years of their childhood. Really, the only people who truly realize this mission is necessary are the parents—themselves bereaved—who must raise them to adulthood and don’t have the faintest idea how to do it.

I know how those parents feel because I was one. When my 6-year-old son died, my 3-year-old daughter gave me my mission when she said, “Mommy, half of me is gone . . . “ I was not going to let her—or any other half-missing sibling if I can help it—grow up with half of her identity missing. Believe me, I scoured for resources, but there weren’t any such parenting how to’s out there. I had to make my own way, and I do not want it to be the same for other parents like me. So, here I am. . .

And today, post-EPM, here I AM!!! No more thrashing around in the bog of ideas with good intentions that can’t quite figure out how to take shape. Joining a supportive community and being guided step by step through creating and marketing a product to sell sounded like a great way to spend the last two months of 2018. I'm so glad I decided my book could wait. Again.

Before EPM I had a mission that would not take "no" for an answer. I had tenacity. I had heart. I had SO MUCH insight, acquired wisdom to share so others would not have to struggle through raising a child after the death of her sibling and best friend as I did.

I had determination and the foundation of a lot of great training from mentors—including Marisa herself. I had ideas and formulas, plans and outlines. And overwhelm that I was trying desperately to overcome. Without success.

Enter EPM. First, there was the challenge of defining a mission that I can SEE. The idea of pain to pleasure island was not new—but the doggedness with which we EPMers were challenged to picture it and articulate it and refine it launched a 10-week ride of clarity that was exhilarating.

I went from “helping bereaved parents help their bereaved children” to giving them a solid foundation for good grief parenting and defining the four cornerstones of that foundation.

All of the essential information I wanted to present could be sorted into those four cornerstones—Good Grief Beliefs, Continuing Bonds, Essential Messages, Choice Actions—with meaningful experiences and measurable outcomes attached.

It’s been exciting to conceive of how vital information can be experencified and know what a life-changing difference that shift will make for the people I serve.

As EPM went on, the Cornerstones became Keys. Heartbeats. The Essentials of Good Grief Parenting became The Heart of Good Grief Parenting. And my mission was decluttered!

Having my signature framework gave me confidence and motivation to go out and get ahold of my target audience. But that’s much easier said than done. They don’t congregate in the usual places, and those who have access to them (grief support programs and organizations, hospitals, FB groups) are protective of them. This is the point in the EPM process where I got hung up and realized it would take me more time to reach Mission Accomplished.

But I’m not stuck, and I’m not discouraged. I’m equipped! And knowing that, I’m inoculated against the Marketing Mind*. I’m working Chatterbox, slowly but surely. It will be an arduos process for awhile.

I created a survey to get input from parents about what would be most helpful for them, and I’m identifying contacts through organizations with which I’m affiliated (National Alliance for Grieving Children, national children’s mental health organizations, local early childhood family education programs, children’s hospitals bereavement programs, etc.) to get the survey in front of parents in those networks. Not all are willing to share my information, but some are, and I’m getting some results.

Next I will put into play my campaign that is a hybrid of the Perfect Email and Fast Results campaign. I have been offering my Good Grief Guide on my website for a couple years but have not done anything with the opt ins before now.

I’ve built my sales page in Heroic and am reminding myself that although I am list-building, I will also seek out ways to see people face-to-face through one-on-one meetings, speaking, and workshops in early childhood and preschool venues. Now that my mission is decluttered, I need to be speaking it everywhere!

I've made one key adjustment: At my coach’s recommendation I pushed through my resistance to compromise my chosen target audience, and I’ve broadened the audience for my program from parents of bereaved siblings to parents of children who have lost either a sibling or a parent. I know this was a smart thing to do.

Now that EPM has ended, I’ll keep moving forward with the wealth of knowledge and insights informing everything that I do. I look forward to continuing in the wonderful, generous EPM community supporting others who are, like me, iterating their ways to awesome. And I will finish my book. No doubt that will be an easier task now.

EPM was great not just for the product creation and marketing support, but also for enriching me as an entrepreneur. Now, in the recesses of my being I own my entrepreneur servant identity—and where once there was a dream, there is now a certainty—that I will give parents the gift of good grief, and they will give it to their children, and lives will be profoundly changed.

Thank you, Marisa!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

My biggest takeaway from EPM is an amalgamation of ALL the incredible no-adequate-words-for-it training and can be summed up in the simple yet profound mindset shift from "I can do this!" to "I will do this!" My biggest takeaway of many is that the Marketing Mind**** is inevitable, but it will have no hold on me because I am totally and completely equipped for Awesome!

How did EPM help you become successful?

It got me organized and motivated me and gave me great/effective ways to remain accountable and always moving forward. Marisa anticipated each and every tidbit of information and instruction I would need and when I would need it and then provided it. I experienced countless "Yes!"es and Ahas along the way.

I gained clarity and was expertly guided in putting all of my clarity into words and concepts that led the way to my goal and mission accomplishment. And best of all, it is a repeatable process, and I have all the resources I need to continue to iterate my way to Awesome.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It has turned my dream into a certainty. It is simply a matter of when, not if. I have said I would do this for actually years, and I have believed it. But EPM has added the dimension of certainty to my ability to succeed.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Organization, a detailed plan to follow. Clarity. FOCUS. And as a result, more ENERGY! Before I had so many ideas - all of them good ones - and so many potential next/first steps to take to make my ideas take shape. Now I have those ideas prioritized, organized and fleshed out with a clear direction.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Connecting with the people who need me and seeing the momentum grow as more and more parents that need me benefit, provide testimonies, and spread the word so I can reach more families and make a life-changing difference for children who are bereaved in their early childhood years. I'm most excited about fulfilling my purpose!

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Jennifer Holbus

Happy Friday everyone! True story .... I asked my client for what I think I am truly worth ... 40% higher rate today!! ????

BACK STORY... I took a sabbatical after 12 years with GE ... for 18 months and started a process improvement training business. In November last year, I had spent all of my 401k savings. I spent my last $2,000 on Marisa Murgatroyd's 8 week EPM and crossed my fingers. Little did I know this would change my life forever!!

A few weeks into EPM I discovered my superpower .. my ikigai .. and decided to change the type of projects I was pursuing from tools based on process and people based. I was approached by a recruiter who loved me so much.. they decided to hire me instead of placing me at a client site.

This was after 6 months of casually interviewing and zero hits. This interview was different .. I now knew my super power and was so passionate and energetic about it they fell in love with my energy. I talked about my super power during the interview and about the process and breakthrough I just had with EPM. With no experience in recruiting or consulting .. I took the assignment knowing that "I Can turn any kinda chaos into greatness." ????

And so I did. I became the Change Management Coach/Consultant for the recruiting firm. I spent my nights over the last 6 months researching and reading and everyday I went in and KICKED ASS! OK .. HERE'S THE FUN PART...

Today, I had lunch with my client engagement manager. I took him to a nice upscale Jamaican restaurant (White American dude .. this doesn't matter except that "Jamaican" is what I am and a Jamaican restaurant is a bit different). I made sure he was really comfortable ????. Here goes ... I told him .. "back in November I doubted myself and underpriced my service (plus the scope of the project has changed, there's a lot more risk involved, the impact and benefit to the company is a lot greater and so on and so forth).

Also, I just realized that I am DARN good at what I do!! The whole time I was thinking about our lesson on premier pricing and charging our worth. He said "what's your long term plan"? I said "I just hired a mentor and coach and in 12 months I plan to launch a full blown coaching practice with many "Jennifer's" all over working with companies like yours.

I also plan to coach executives like yourself on a one to one basis". He said " that's really powerful Jennifer .. so what exactly does this mentor do?" I said ... she is teaching me to get out of my own way and to believe that I am AWESOME! She is also teaching me how to build a professional business" He said "I think you are truly amazing and we couldn't do this project without you! How much would you charge to coach an executive like myself privately?"

I thought to myself "YES!!!" He's said that to me many times before but in this conversation ... I wanted him saying "you're amazing" multiple times. I said .. "Hhhmm I'm thinking $20k and up". I also told him that I have been approached by other executives within his company for coaching but I'm not sure how that would work but my mentor will help me figure it out. ???? He's said "sweet .. let me think about that rate increase". We walked out .. I gave him a hug and said .. "have a fabulous weekend".

Now .. even though my fingers and toes are crossed I am not even nervous. You know why .. I am FREAKIN AWESOME!! can you tell I've been listening to coach Rono?? Note to self ... If I get this .. my stretch goals are met. I'll be able to pay for mentorship several times!!! Stay tuned …

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Kimberly Weitkamp

Your Graduation Story
I came to EPM after a recent pivot in my business. I wasn't happy with who I was serving and decided to make a switch. Of course, that meant re-building everything from scratch. I wasn't super clear about who exactly I wanted to serve and didn't have a specific set of services in mind.

EPM served as the catalyst to own my new direction and get everything set up. I launched my new site and crafted a signature service around my unique Audience Conversion Method. I also set up all the new pages I needed, including a new scheduler, new emails and new landing page with my new branding/business name.

EPM helped me jumpstart my new direction and really gain clarity on what I wanted to offer. Using Chatterbox, it also helped me start raising awareness of my new direction. As I didn't have a network in my new niche, I joined several groups and started interacting while actively looking for new connections.

Since launching my new site and starting to talk about my new direction, I've doubled my email list. It hadn't grown except by a random subscriber here and there since the start of my business.

I’d always wanted to create a course and had it on the backburner for two years. Now, I have a 1-to-1 service offering that I can see turning into a course after a few months, and a process to do this. EPM gave me the direction and motivation to start getting out there and talking about my new niche. I haven't sold my service yet, but I feel confident now when talking about it and am starting to gain momentum with all the people I've met. I will reach Mission Accomplished, it just may be a little while. The clarity, foundation and systems to create my course in the future were all worth it!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Clarity around how to phrase what I do and who I serve.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Kickstart my new niche and raising awareness. I feel I've gained a lot of traction in a short period of time that would've taken months on my own.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel more confident when talking about what I do and excited about my new direction and all the people I'll be able to help.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The new niche is solid now. I've got all the assets live and was even invited to become a collaborator in a giveaway for my ideal audience, which will result in rapid growth and more opportunity for me. (Goes live end of FEB!)

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Knowing exactly what the experience will look like and what I need to do to prepare. Even though I haven't delivered it yet, I know that I can make a difference for people and how it will happen. I'm excited to use this to help more people.

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Michel Ai

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

EPM has given me the confidence and structure to truly design a business that I can be proud of. I realized I love taking action in my business. Previously I was great at thinking and feeling what I wanted, now I actually DO things. I actually see results! EPM helped me fine-tune what I wanted to create and why - I no longer vacillated back and forth between ideas.

I believe this course opened the door to the possibilities of what I can achieve personally and professionally. Definitely an added bonus. Here I thought I was just going to learn about course creation. To my surprise, I received, happily and whole-heartedly, so, so much more. I am grateful beyond words.

How did EPM help you become successful?

I wanted to create a course for a REALLY long time. I seriously would have never done it without all the components of EPM - I was blown away with all the training, bonuses, and the overall experiencification aspects of the course (the XPs were great motivators and kept me on track, driving forward). Mondays with Marisa were motivating and inspiring. They helped me see that I was not alone in my struggles and celebrations.

Coach Samara was a patient and knowledgeable guide always providing encouragement and enthusiasm, which really meant a lot to me. Tech has always been an excuse and now, I created my first website - thanks to Don, Christine, and Murray! I can hardly recognize my self and my business.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Participating in EPM presented me with a business challenge yet armed me with all the tools I needed to meet that challenge. I now carry this experience with me in all endeavors. I now know all I need is support, tools, a little information, and a lot of patience. With those things anything is possible.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I think the biggest change in my business would have to be ME. As an entrepreneur, without a business partner, I am solely responsible and accountable in my business. My results, or lack of results, are a direct correlation to my decisions and efforts.

Before I had so many excuses of why I could not create a digital course and launch it. I was frustrated and embarrassed by tech and lack of business momentum.

Now I love and enjoy my business, which is making all the difference. I have been more visible and vocal, and financially profitable.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am most excited about helping and working with the amazing entrepreneurs that participate in my course. I also look forward to the future versions of my course. Like EPM, I intend to continue to make changes to help participants reach their goals, dreams, and desires for their business.

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