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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Marie-Elizabeth Mali

Before EPM, I offered my first small group online coaching and training program. While it was mostly a success, some students struggled with staying engaged and I didn't know how to inspire them to turn it around, I also offered too many modules and had to extend the program by two weeks just to give them extra time to be coached on and integrate the material!

I wasn’t sure what to do to make my program more compelling and set my students up to win. I joined EPM because I could feel that "experiencification" was the key to solving my issue. I also liked the idea of being authentically myself as I marketed and sold my product and wanted support in making my marketing as clear and grounded as possible.

I got way more than I expected out of EPM. Not only did I create a much better product this time around, a 12-week online small group coaching and training program for women called The Permission Program: From Pleaser to Pleasure, but I also was able to talk about it much more clearly about it to people and create a gorgeous sales page. I'm so much clearer about my niche and can talk about it in such a way that people say, "Oh yes, I know someone just like that who would benefit from your program!"

Thank you to Marisa and the team for an outstanding course!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

The beauty, fun, and magic of experiencification! And to keep things simple to start. I chose not to do a webinar and extensive email campaign because my list is small, focusing instead on conversations. And the importance of making the problem, the results, and the future self super grounded and clear so that people can see themselves in both.

How did EPM help you become successful?

It systematically walked me toward creating a great product and also creating clear and powerful marketing for it.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I feel more confident to deliver a great program and also to talk about it with people. I'm more clear than I was before about who I am as a coach, who my ideal client is, and the results I deliver.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

While I made about the same amount of money when I offered my previous online coaching circle, it had too many modules and some people got behind and didn't fully participate. I feel way more prepared to create the conditions for more engagement and a deeper level of transformation this time around.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I'm excited to deliver a great product and keep iterating my way to awesome!

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Patrick Johnson

Iterating my way to awesome!

Yesterday I held two captive audience events in the same city to promote my 1:Few Masterclass. This is my first Masterclass. I do a good deal of public speaking so I was pretty confident going in until...

Breakfast - 0% signed up on the spot. There were lots of great buying signals after the event as people came up to me to ask questions but nobody bought.

So I pulled aside a couple of people and we went through the presentation slide by slide over the next hour. I made lots of adjustments.

Lunch - 50% signed up on the spot! Wow!

Here's what I learned:

1) Shorter is better. We cut the presentation down by almost 40% by deleting slides and not going into so much detail.

2) Simpler is better. We shortened some slides to make them simpler and easier to understand.

3) Get people to ask tough questions. Because I had ample time because of a shorter presentation I asked this question, 'What's the tough question you are struggling with right now as you think about how this applies to your church?" And then I waited.....

"Will this work for a small church?"
"How much time will this take over the 8 weeks?"
"I'm not good with technology so will this work for me?"
"What happens if it's not for me and I want to quit?"

Allowing people an opportunity to vocalize their doubts which I'm sure others felt and then being able to answer them was a big win for all of us.

BTW I've started a Chatterbox Campaign today for everyone who didn't sign up. Plus we've got emails going out next week. So my goal is 50% conversion for breakfast and 75% conversion for lunch.

This "stuff" just got real! Grateful for everything I've learned thought EPM.

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Christine MacCarroll

I had a name and basic outline of what I wanted to do with my program, but I was super stuck around getting it launched AND I wanted to create an amazing experience for my clients. I knew I had just a few months to really get my program off the ground so I could start serving more women and lead and create the tribe I dreamed of for my clients. I had a consistent word-of-mouth business but knew I could do more and serve more than the 1-1 work was allowing me to do. EPM forced me out of my comfort zone, but also provided me with all the tools and resouces I needed to succeed... plus a strong dose of motivation and encouragement! I got my hormone-healing program (The Bitch Fix) off the ground, blew my mission accomplished goal out of the water, and feel super confident that I'll be able to repeat the process later this year when I launch again.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Not getting hung up on making everything exactly perfect in order to launch...I will always remember "iterate your way to awesome!"

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM kept me on track, focused, and making progress. The guarantee, the weekly coaching, the points....everything WAS a great experience that totally kept me engaged instead of letting this go and letting myself off the hook for actually COMPLETING my goal.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life? I launched! This is the first stop on what I expect to be multiple iterations of this product, and I'm so jazzed to get going!

What has been the biggest change in your business? Step one in helping me reach a bigger audience and stopping reaching my limit with 1-1 work. What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I can envision a future where I am spending most of my time creating and delivering, and living in alignment and flow!

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Dina Patel

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Packaging a 1:1 Coaching programme using an approach that does not sound "salesy" but which "speaks" to the potential client in a language that draws them in

How did EPM help you become successful?
I have not yet attracted any clients but feel more confident I will

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
In the next 3 to 6 months time I believe i will gain that success

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I was attracting no interest but now I have 4 new clients and although have not been successful in selling a 6 week package deal I have gained some momentum.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Delivering the 6 week coaching and making a difference in peoples lives

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Gwyndolyn Morasko

Right before I heard about Marisa's EPM program, I had decided that I needed to settle down and start implementing all that I had been learning in 2018 after I left my 34 year career in the Aerospace industry. I knew at my core that I didn't want to ever have to go back to a traditional corporate job. It had hurt my health, and ultimately led me to becoming a Holistic Health Coach and Certified High Performance Coach. I had some great business training courses under my belt, but none of them actually put all of the pieces of the puzzle together. How was I going to make a name for myself when every other post I saw on social media was my competition? Did I have something new to say? How could I stand out? I started to lose my confidence.

Then I heard about EPM. I first signed up for it because of the great guarantee, but even when life got in the way and I couldn't meet a few of the milestones, I didn't worry. I had already received such great coaching and feedback about my course idea, how to name it, and how to stand out in a noisy space, that I didn't care about the guarantee. It was worth every penny even if I DIDN'T launch on time or make my money back in the time frame. But once I started applying her marketing strategies, everything shifted for me. I found my voice, renamed my business page, and started reaching out to my followers.

Then the miracle happens. While following the strategies taught in EPM to drive people to my website and e-mail list so that I could share about my upcoming webinar and $347 six-week program, people started reaching out to me. By trusting my voice and believing in my value, I added a page on my website about my one on one coaching. A potential customer for my $347 program asked for the free strategy call that I offered, and ended up signing up for my $2500 one on one 12-week coaching package in order to dig even deeper than what I was offering during the 6-week course. That wouldn't have happened if I hadn't followed both the marketing advice, and had the confidence to broaden the scope during the free strategy session based on listening to the client's pain points.

I will still launch my planned 6-week one to few group coaching program in mid-February (Focus on Health Eating), and I have 3 people signed up so far even before the free sales webinar. I will follow that quickly with a $497 six-week signature course called Sugar Rehab, because this process and the response to my free reports and blog posts is telling me that there is a real need for Sugar Rehab.

This program, the coaches, and the supportive private facebook group have really shifted my internal belief in myself and in my programs. I will now feel even more confident in my high ticket one on one private coaching for both high performance health and high performance mindset, and plan to create a marketing strategy to fill my calendar with $2500 to $4000 private coaching clients, When I feel that I am very comfortable with all aspects of my private coaching packages, I will create "one to few", and then "one to many" versions of them to free up more time on my calendar. I'm definitely happy that I took this course, even with the challenges of life getting in the way a few times. I'm so excited to be able to apply what I've learned to my future program launches. The sky is the limit!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Do not limit myself. During a free strategy call, a potential client decided she wanted a complete transformation. In all areas of her life.....not just health. So she became my first ever paying client at a $2500 price point for 12 weeks of 1:1 coaching. It also helped me not be bashful about my capabilities.

How did EPM help you become successful? It built my confidence that I do have value to add to the world. It inspired me to market myself with several of the marketing campaign strategies. It helped me write out a plan for my next programs at various price points. I'm excited to go back and revisit the lessons for my original planned product "Sugar Rehab" .

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I'm more confident to continue on this path and not give in and go back to being a rocket scientist. I can see how I can go back to the modules and learn more for.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I got my very first paying client, and a vision and belief that there will be many more. I feel more professional in my approach. And I came up with a succinct way of describing what it is I "do" when people ask. "My super power is reacquainting people with their vision of their best future self, and then I guide them on their journey to making that vision a reality"

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Leveraging what I learn on this first launch for my next program that feels even more heart centered. I just had too much on my plate to set the date for that one, and I didn't want to make my "learning curve" mistakes on the one that I want to become more well known for.

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Wanda Ayala

I was not selling anything and knew something was wrong and I was missing something. I joined this program because I saw it had what I was missing. The sad thing is when you go about it alone, you have all these pieces you are trying to put together so I did what all the gurus said you must do, have a website, logo, great design, info ebook, courses, niche was discuss but not with clarity as Marissa pointed out, credibility with certificates cause no one will hire you and on and on an on. It is not what I learn was wrong but it was all at the wrong time. Marissa explained clearly what is right for your business at the right time so NOW I have no web, logo, nothing - STARTING OVER but Now I have clarity as never before. I learned more here then I did in 10 years from all these so call gurus that don't tell you the whole story but just a piece here and there. Until I have a paying client I will not be concern with web, logo and such matters. Marissa Kudos to you and your overdelivery!!! Excellent is beyond words! I am AMAZED to listen to your genius, really no flattery here. When I hear you help others with their mission statements you make it sound so easy but yet most of struggle of putting it all together. I know copy and marketing right words is going to take time. Howwever, I just want to say thank you for what I learned immensely.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Narrowing my niche because I really did not know my niche, going through the whole process of creating my method, course, etc.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Knowing in 2 months not YEARS in creating courses that work or don't work. This meant more to me than anything, saving time.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Same answer as above but to add I don't consider what I went through as a failure but a step up in the right direction. Thank you for everything you taught and letting us know what works and what does not work. You have over delivered in the course and you are a genius in your field. Honestly, I would have paid more, even though I did not make any money YET, I know soon I will.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Not to start a website, create a logo, design or anything unless I really have a tribe that is interested. After this experience I'm starting over but at least I'm starting over with a formula and not trying to figure it out all myself.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have knowledge the know how to move forward. I'm certain I will take this with me with my next project.

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Ron Wypkema

During years of recovering from a car accident and concussion I often felt limited and constrained in making much, if any contribution to others. I felt a powerful urge to be service to the evolution of human consciousness during the remaining time I have on this earth. I was to do this by synthesizing the insights and techniques for accelerated transformation that I’d discovered during the 38 years since my first spiritual awakening. Once my body and brain had recovered enough to begin effectively working again, I wasn’t sure how to best position myself, or which audience might be most receptive to the program I was being called to create. And I’ve felt that in this time of chaos, rapid change and uncertainty each of us is being invited to evolve into one of the new Highly Aware People™ that life now wants to emerge on the earth.

So, in service of my life purpose, I joined the Experience Product Masterclass and realized that gifted and talented healers, coaches, counselors, therapists, thought leaders and other transformational experts might be open to what I had to offer. After all, so many, if not all of us, on these paths want to be less reactive, and are always looking for new highly effective ways of expanding our consciousness, and accessing ever more of our higher potential, so that we can feel happier, deeply at peace, fulfilled and in balance in all areas of our life as we make our contributions to others and to humanity.

In the Experience Product Masterclass, I’ve created a program based on my new approach for the accelerated evolution of our consciousness. I call this new modality Aware Growth™ because it is based in the higher awareness beyond the intelligence of the mind. It is distinct from the many approaches of Personal Growth and improvement we have been diligently working on for so many years.

In my simple initial marketing for my beta test of the Aware Growth Masterclass™ I have already attracted some wonderful people for the program and generated $6000.00 in sales. Even more importantly, there is now a deep internal knowing that I have the brilliant teachings and trainings of EPM as a powerful foundation for expressing my life purpose with those whom I am here to serve.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

The vital importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and implementing EPM product creation to take my impact, influence and contribution to levels beyond what I have previously experienced.

How did EPM help you become successful?

The sheer brilliance of Marisa's trainings. Marisa's clarity and teachings about how to navigate through the ego's objections and patterns so that we are no longer in their grip.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It has given me a fresh and inspiring view of product creation and marketing. Continuing to learn and implement EPM has given me confidence about business I never had before.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

With this first experience product I actually now have the foundation for business. Prior to this, I was in delusion about what I called "my business."

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

With this product I've already generated more income than I have in the last four and a half years since my car accident and traumatic brain injury. I now have a remarkable model to follow and to continue my learning, and implementation.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

EPM has opened me to a whole new world of possibility!

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Norma Stratton

1ST ITERATION: I work with female Real Estate Agents - the ones who are wedded to their work. You know, the ones that are stretched so thin…and feel like they’re sacrificing sooo much for way too little and are beginning to pay the price. They're overwhelmed and overcommitted...but don’t know how to stop the insanity. So I teach them how to take control of their business, mend their frayed relationships and become a whole lot happier without sacrificing income. 2ND ITERATION: I help Female Realtors learn how to build a great (thriving) business by combining their heart and soul with effective selling…and do it with integrity So they can attract great clients, have more free time and do so with integrity), and live the life they want without sacrificing income. In other words, while it seems like it's all about the numbers, it's not…and to stop there is limited thinking. I help agents thrive in all areas of life. AND THE FINAL: I Mentor women in real estate helping them create a thriving business that generates 6 figures comfortably without sacrificing their personal relationships or feel like they’re on call 24/7.
WOW!!! What a long road...I want to thank Marisa, from the bottom of my heart, for all her help. Having this clarity helps me have the conversations with my peeps without their eyes glazing over ;-) Thank you Marisa!!

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Victoria Rose

Having spent over $200,000 on workshops by gurus to learn how to grow my business with the only result a bankrupt bank account, I was now in the humiliating position of not having enough money to pay my rent. So, when Marisa’s email hit my inbox, I laughed.
Not another fake guru with glossy promises and little substance or value to offer I muttered.

Here I was, 67 years old with a financial future that sucked.

Thankfully, I chose to attend Marisa’s Experience Product Masterclass.
Yes, the money back guarantee helped but the words Marisa used to describe the results I could expect were convincing and exciting.

Unbelievably, ALL the pieces of the puzzle around product creation and delivery were presented in an engaging, educational and entertaining way.

I saw exactly how to deliver my knowledge and wisdom in my own online program.

And that’s exactly what I’m doing. Today was the first day of the beta launch of my 5-week online Masterclass: LiveStream Mastery Now.
Seven woman were engaged, educated and entertained.

I loved presenting my material in this new way and can’t wait to develop and deliver my big picture product ideas to the world.

Seems my financial future isn’t so sucky now.
Thank you Marisa, you have inspired me.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
All the links in the chain of product development and delivery from the very start to finish and beyond.

How did EPM help you become successful?
By providing a high standard of content delivery, one to aspire to. By walking their talk. By their transparency. By their daring to do something different.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Shown me a way I can deliver my wisdom and experience and have it be heard, which is incredibly fulfilling. And which will allow me to be paid what I'm worth whilst I continue to do something I love.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I struggled to enrol students to my workshops and now I've discovered how to give them what they want in a way that engages, educates and entertains.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
My business has been lifted out of the dark and into the light of possibility, abundance and global success. So now I will create a whole system around my one experience product.

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John Stoker

I have been training and speaking for 20+ years. Unfortunately the market for live events has been changing. The younger folks who are being promoted no longer seem to see the necessity of holding live events. Consequently, I am learning how to reinvent myself and my business.

The EPM class was just what I needed. It helped me to understand all of the elements that I needed to consider in taking steps to building an online business that would sell the materials that would help individuals to develop themselves personally and professionally. Although I am just beginning I was able to hit mission accomplished and sell a number of people to take the online course. I will keep working at developing a way to market online more effectively and expand my reach.

Thanks Marisa for all your hard work!!

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