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Lynne Reid-McConnell's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Lynne Reid-McConnell

"I came into the program determined to do my very best, and open to whether or not I would hit mission accomplished in the time frame or not. I have enjoyed all the training and particularly as one of the other members of my coaching pod reached out to me from the get-go to team up daily to watch the training and support each other on the journey. That made the experience very real for me, I'm not a fan of social media and prefer to connect in person, I visited the Facebook page a few times but never felt part of it. But it did seem like a great resource for many people.

Making get started decisions for me was a great strategy and the iterate my way to awesome let me continue to be a work in progress. I see how making all these decisions allowed me to move forward, whereas I would ordinarily allow myself to be stuck for ages! I have a massive file with all the worksheets printed and covered in notes. The sheer volume of content was phenomenal, such value and so enjoyable, my accountability partner and I practiced sales calls, bounced ideas off each other and reviewed each other's features and benefits, etc. Coach Carolyn was great too! When I see the amount of work that I have actually completed I am thrilled. I'm almost ready to get out there, everything is coming together. Maybe I could have moved faster if I hadn't worked on the fast track too, but for me, it's been worth it even if I need a few more weeks!
It took me a while to get all the marketing straight in my head and put a comprehensive strategy in place and it was at that point I stalled and felt a bit stuck. I watched all the marketing training, the marketing mindfuck twice! haha... So, I just need to get on with it. I haven't launched yet but I know I will make at least £2000 when the time comes. I have learned a lot more about my niche in the last few months from the time that I have been investing and I think I will be able to expand it a bit to include Ph.D. students who are not only non-native speakers of English but native speakers too. My survey results were very useful.
For me the implementation Fridays were absolutely priceless, I learned so much from Mathew and Emily, they made technology so accessible. Marisa was absolutely amazing so transparent, generous and a master in her field. She inspires and leads by example!
So myself and my business have both grown, and as is the case at all significant points of graduation in our lives, I do feel this is the beginning of a new chapter, I'm excited and grateful to be here, to have been on this incredible journey, and looking forward to what the future holds."

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I have been inspired by the successes of so many people. Having faith that all the small steps on the journey will lead me to my end goal, and the value of keeping it simple, I felt very supported all along the way. So being on the receiving end of the experience, definitely allowed me to know and feel why I must do the same for my students.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The trainings have all been amazing and so valuable not just for this product but generally in helping me to focus on skills and strategies around client engagement and giving people what they want.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have a clearer picture of myself, my capabilities and know that my life is on the right track. I'm more committed to the vision I have of success and what it looks like for me.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I am more disciplined in my scheduling. My time management has become more effective and can separate out working in my business and on my business.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have the skills to develop more experience products, and can now see a business that is bigger that me with the potential to really grow.