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Cindy L Newton's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Cindy L Newton

This is an edited/shortened version of my Graduation story. I got into EPM after having just signed up for 2 other business & marketing courses. It was an affiliate of one of the other courses, but I wish I had found EPM first! Already strapped for cash, I took the plunge, signing up on the payment plan as my only option and immediately started on my journey. I rushed through the first trainings, barely able to wait until the next trainings dropped. I had a slight idea of what kind of niche I was in, and intended to create an on-line course, but I really wanted to get clarity on what course I should create. I had NO idea what I was getting in for, but it’s been great! Then I accidentally unsubscribed from the EPM emails and missed both Jump Contests and lost my way a bit. I got off track around the holidays, going over and over my bird’s eye view and features & benefits statements. I got behind on the training videos as well, but at least attended all of the coaching calls. Finally I got everything straightened out and back on track, and started watching the videos again, even if I didn’t move forward on all of the actions, but it was very late. I did put my basic course outline into Experiencify and set it up for payments but I am just finishing up the marketing preparation now and still need to get my launch plan finalized. I knew that the guarantee was over for me when I first missed a milestone due date – but I told myself – oh, well, and just kept going forward. Now, after starting with basically nothing, I have a product and I know what I need to do to move forward. I have not given up, and I know I will keep on track. This has been the absolute best course I have taken – the only one that has actually helped me move forward toward my main goal - and I do not intend to abandon ship. I know I still have a ways to go, but plan to keep on course and make MA before LYM Live. Thanks Marisa and team - you’ve been great! Onward and Upward to Mission Accomplished!