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Shyam Barr's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Shyam Barr

I was struggling with taking the leap from a full-time job and committing to my business – which had been a side-hustle for the past 5 years. I lacked the business know how, and wasn’t sure how to make a substantial income to support my young family. I joined EPM and I learned how to organise my knowledge as a program, and market my program through chatterboxing. I originally designed a 6-week experience product, but through chatterboxing with a school about the product, it became clear that they were interested in a longer term (12 month or more) product, so I expanded my experience product from a 6-week to a 12-month product and sold it for AUD $18,000!!! Not bad for a first sale!! I'm currently also chatterboxing with another school who is already discussing a slightly modified version of the same product and have committed AUD $8,000! That's AUD $26,000 in one month! Woohoo!