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Rachel Romaine 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Rachel Romaine

Upon graduation in June 2016, I was due to hang my shingle and did. Well, sort of. I tried to explain my services to potential clients. Mostly their eyes glazed over, furrows appeared between their brows, and the conversation essentially stopped. Or I was met with great resistance about how they were perfectly fine without any of my offerings. My message was flat.
The few clients that I managed to recruit and take through my coaching experienced results but I had little idea how to reach out to others or scale any of my services. I was definitely failing to create more interest. I read articles and books, listened to podcasts, took courses and still nothing moved the needle. I was simply building knowledge but I had no idea how to implement it in a strategic, progressive manner.

When I heard Marisa's Experience Product masterclass mission to design and market my coaching services in a way that would land for people. In a way that was really going to market for me and create the message I was so longing to get out to deliver, I was definitely in for the challenge.

I joined EPM mid week and set about the first module that very weekend. When my husband and I reviewed what I had written, we both agreed it was more effective than anything I had written in the last year! Imagine that, a couple of hours of presentation, a few exercises and voila, I had more in front of me than the hours, days and whole year I had spent working on it before!

As the course went on, I kept improving and clarifying my own voice and chosen product. EPM over delivered in comparison to any other course I had taken before: organization, exercises from simple to complex, direct coaching time, and education and support with the tech tools to deliver both the message and the product.
Today, I feel much more confident on not only how to describe what services I provide and how to deliver them effectively but also how I can grow my business with additional programs. The skills I learned in EPM, I can repeat, improve, be creative with, and never struggle as I was before. With EPM, I have reaped the benefits of all of Marisa's hard work on how to excel in delivery of one's services and how to make more impact in my client's lives and in my own business. Well done LYM, thank you!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
This one is a toughie to answer - so many things really, understanding and writing copy, more tech knowledge, the coaching calls, the authenticity and caring in the community. I suppose the biggest one might be that there is a way to change the thud factor and how to do it. By having us experience the experience framework was definitely metta.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM was the best structure I have seen in any online course. I was able to quickly and clearly know what action was needed each week. Even down to how the videos and files were named, somehow no one has seemed to ever get that right! It specifically introduced me to what to do about creating an experience course because I knew the thud factor all too well. It helped me get over my perfectionist streak and start implementing the changes needed to my business. It also gave me the confidence to start with what I had and not wait until the entire marketing funnel and material was created, as in years from now knowing me! The amount of coaching time was definitely key. I want to keep the above comments but when reviewing this form, I believe I should say that is how it helped me become successful. I learned so much from the coaching calls - all of them.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has give me the confidence I needed to become more visible and truly deliver a unique experience for my clients. The success of chatterbox impacted my bottom line and my ability to pursue further progression with my business dream. Plus it has connected me with several terrific individuals committed to their own dreams!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I understand the online space much more clearly now than ever before. It has healed any online course PTSD! As I look to improve my life, my business and the lives of others, I know now how to identify and make possible those changes through a variety of skillful experience tactics. My marketing was woeful before EPM, I did not understand copy at all and how to create different kinds of campaigns. I read it online, I saw it on webpages, but I had no idea how to articulate my own. EPM took me, step by step, through simple yet a masterful process, to create copy. Copy for my discovery call page, my sales page, in emails, while on sales calls, when simply just chatting to the person in the supermarket. Now I can communicate my coaching business and how it applies to people's problems with clarity and confidence!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
That I can repeat the product I created, expand the product, apply the course to another idea and so on! I also think it's great that people will begin to see such a positive impact on their lives through experience programs rather than simply consuming another piece of information that gathers dust but doesn't make a difference in the world. It's time to change that and I am part of that momentum, awesome!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thanks again for curing any online course PTSD! Like many here, so many courses have been purchased and completed only to be left with a feeling of disappointment in delivery. I am happy to say it was a worthwhile investment through and through, thank you for you and your team's hard work and efforts.