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James Jones's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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James Jones

"I was very frustrated with an online course I was attempting to complete. They advertised ""no technical skills required"". I guess they don't consider using computers and learning new software ""technical."" That was my problem area and I could get no help. I was just told to ""go to the Facebook group, someone will answer your questions. That never happened. So, I went elsewhere to find my answers. I started watching Utube videos on ""how to"" channels. I decided that once I figured out how to do this stuff, I was going to create my own course and aim it at seniors like me who didn't know all these programs. I would include all the steps, not throw out comments when presenting the course like ""I'm not going to cover that, any 10-year-old can do that.""

I found Marisa's course and thought this would be a way to learn to write online courses. So I signed up for the EPM course. I soon realized that this is an entirely new way of doing things. Little did I know all the information I would receive would cover so many areas that I knew little or nothing about. The coaching was great. I never heard things like ""any 10-year-old can do that"" I was given straight-up solutions so I could move on. I learned about how psychology was used to get people interested. I knew there was a lot of that in advertising but did not know how to us it myself. I learned how AI is being used now in content creation. I learned there were limits to the usage of AI as it is not always a cut-and-paste job. It is a tool to be used, just like any other tool you would to complete a project.

When it came to the bumps in the road, my biggest one is marketing. They prefer what they refer to as chatterboxing, meaning talking to anyone and everyone about your product. My biggest problem is that I have been living isolated for many years. I have no friends, All my long time friends have died, mostly from illnesses related to just old age. I left the USA to return to the Philippines where I have lived for many years out of the past 55 years. But, even here all my old friends are gone. On top of that, I decided to move to a completely different part of the Philippines on a different island where I knew no one. My only contacts with anyone on this island were Utubers I follow and had left comments on their channels before, I had been interviewed by one of them for their channel content. So, I contacted him. I needed an address for a shipment from Marisa. He let me borrow his. I was still looking for a place to rent. He wanted to do a followup interview which I agreed to. But I ask if I could mention my new program and company I had set up and was getting ready to launch. He agreed. This was my first time talking about my course. As it turned out, he was interested. So this generated my first ""conversation"" in the chatterboxing program. I feel I am very close to closing my first sale. I'm still in the closing phase and hope to be successful. Although this first course is not the one I plan on creating in the future, it is a subject I know well and have taught in classrooms in the past. This is just a new updated version. This course has been the key to my onward movement toward my new company goals. "

It is much closer to becoming operational. Up to now it has just been a legally formed shell. Mentally, it has given me new direction, new energy, no ways to get down the road. I just have to keep doing what I need to do and I will reach my goals. It puts me back in the drivers seat with my life. It filled my tank with new ideas and ways to get things done.