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Kelly-Anne Lauzon 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kelly-Anne Lauzon

I was having this problem how I would get people to buy my program when I’m not on social media . I wasn’t sure what to do or how to get my message out there . I joined EPM and I discovered and began to really believe that it’s best to deliver when it’s not completely finished . Work with you clients so that you can create something they flies . I learned about talking to people that I already knew and had told them awhile back that I was creating a communication course for kids . I contacted the people I knew first and I used the chatterboxing method which helped me get to closing . I must say it became easier each time and my voice was more confident although It did help that I already knew these people and they had originally expressed interest . The result was that through that challenge I was able to make my first sale and that helped me to see that it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be and it catapulted me I to wanting more sales .

The biggest change is that I can make money at this . Now when I tell family about my program they don’t say anything negative because they have seen that it can sell . "My biggest take away is that this program is very mythodical and systematic . It helped me to understand the process in a way that took my to mission accomplished and beyond .
" What’s possible now is that I can begin to iterate my way to awesome and have something out there that I am so proud of from people to buy at a higher price

Yes always Thank you