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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Debra C. Burton

"I was having the challenge of attracting my ideal tribe online to be able to serve them. I had worked successfully in my area of Transformation Facilitation, Evidential Mediumship, Psychic Readings, Distant SELF-Healing and Soul Connection Facilitation offline organically at trade shows, privately and via word of mouth for decades before the pandemic. I knew I had to go online to expand my reach. I wasn’t sure what to do, how and where to find my ideal tribe.That has been very frustrating to my SELF-implementation, knowing full well my tribe is out there and I can truly help them. I joined The Experience Product Masterclass thinking that by including gamification, my abstract solution would be more recognisable, appealing and desirable for my tribe to realise that my solution is what they need to transform their feelings of SELF-disconnection, feeling unsure and stressed, into feelings of confidence, stability, support and sovereignty by Learning the 5 Keys to Tap into their True Source, so that they can make decisions and take action in their professional and/or personal lives. I repackaged my existing program to chunk it down into a minimum viable product, renamed it to The Burton Core Confidence Method(TM), gave it a different price point of $2997, lower than the previous higher price point and with less content than I had sold it for years.

What I learned and discovered in all of this was in undertaking the fast pace of the online world, to go step-by-step in order to keep up with the accelerated pace of the modules, not get overwhelmed and to go for #progressoverperfection in order to keep momentum and not get stuck on refinements. Through the program, I became more aware of the social media outlets and their capabilities. I also knew upon entering the program I’d need to increase my communications. I didn’t really have time for communicating very much due to the generosity and richness of the program, however, I’ll now take time to dedicate and nurture selected outlets to find my tribe. Thank you Marisa and team for your high level dedication and engagement!"

"I was having challenges maintaining the rapid pace of the program, therefore, I didn’t really have very much time for real-life communication, implementation and application with my tribe. I DID appreciate the one-step-at-a-time, step-by-step approach to keep me on target, focused and moving along. Again, #progressoverperfection was an excellent mindset to move out of perfection and offer a minimised MVP to market. I appreciate the model of an MVP for fast implementation and also still realize my true need was/is to find my tribe, nurture and communicate with them.

Offline organic tribal interaction was usually easy. Online, although the concept is basically the same, it’s to find where my tribe is virtual on the planet and very carefully nurture them. In-person, offline cold contacts were basically fluid. Online has been somewhat challenging just to FIND my tribe. Due to the already existing loud noise in the Internet, it’s also been to take into consideration that many folks are already highly overwhelmed and to be mindful of the amount and frequency of non-human interaction and touchpoints, such as email content and timing.

I joined the Experience Product Masterclass and received various templates to facilitate communications. Additionally, the tech sessions with Coaches Matthew and Emily were supportive in getting a sense of the technical aspects of marketing. They conducted the sessions with caring, competence and comedy. Plus, they let me see at least it’s possible to perform tech tasks without having a team, although one still needs time for it. Naturally, Marisa’s over-delivering engagement and commitment to her own high-quality standards, her team, and especially to her tribe were absolutely IMPOSSIBLE TO OVERLOOK!!! Thank you Marisa and team for your generosity, commitment, and engagement!"

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Amy Louthan

I was stuck not being able to find clients or get my coaching business off the ground. I wasn't sure how to choose a niche, create a specific program that solved a problem or market my service. I joined EPM and Marisa walked me through the complete program from start (no idea) to complete product ready for market. I had some intense personal problems occur during the course and I was surprised how much my coach stood by me and championed me through my personal struggles. I didn't get as far as I hoped, but i do have a marketable program that I feel confident I can sell and that will transform lives.

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Heather Cowap

I was having trouble creating an attractive program for parents to build trust with me to work with their teens. I wasn't sure what to do. I joined EPM and with Coach Melanie Gow's help piovted to creating a mini course specifically geared towards parents of teens. I created a mini course (thank you Murray!) and have launched it.

Considering how to attract parents to my program for teens EPM got me focused and moving into action when I was sitting in confusion and inertia. Coaching accountability is super useful. Successfully launching my program

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Jane Coddington

"I was challenged to re-think and re-invent my coaching services post-COVID. I started doing some Life Coaching, yet wanted to get back to organizational work.

I had some insight that my work training coaches is very fulfilling and energizing. Before EPM began in the fall, I got a call from a previous client asking me to work with their top leadership team. My passion for training coaches and the call to again work with a leadership team gave me the idea to create a training course on Team Coaching for professional leadership and executive coaches.

I worked closely with my coach and met all my milestones. I am also part of LYM Lab. That work combined with EPM helped me to move along at a good pace. Using AI in both programs was also a great help. I had learned from LYM Lab, that AI produces good material that often needs to be tailored and personalized. So, I didn't have much of a learning curve in using Ainslee.

I learned a great deal from the Mondays with Marisa and from GIDF sessions. I have some work started in Canva and plan to use the templates just gifted to us. Through EPM, I have my course paper airplane and a good start going forward in 2024. It is only January and I look forward to LYM in March to leap ahead!"

Most of this is above. I have my full Chatterbox script/outline with pivots. I had the opportunity to soft launch my course with two colleagues and from one have a new referral source!

Re-focusing on coaching and consulting services for leaders and organizations. I feel a boost in my confidence and a new sense of purpose in my work. I am energized to begin training coaches with my course, and launch a new website for my coaching and consulting business. This will link to the landing page for my new course. SO Much information and so many resources and such excellent support! Just an awesome experience and training in every way! Add a new product/service to my business.

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John A Scigliano

I am impressed with the work that was put into this masterclass by the designers, instructors, coaches, and support. I am taking it slow with so much information but what made it great was the information presented was useful in helping me formulate a direction to go with my startup business. I am grateful that this investment of information will take me to the promise land in the upcoming months.

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Cindy Littleton Ross

"My Journey has not been a straight line. I have bought business coaching before (last year, infact) that program delivered half the promise, but not the crucial parts. There was zero safety net or red flag to catch me while floundering, I am apart of the dreaded 97% fail to complete stats.
Marissa's EPM program got me to the finish line! I did more focused work in this program than I ever did in the previous. The business coaching really was there. Weekly live calls where you can ask questions, get an answer, and be prompted to consider xyz that I likely wouldn't have thought of. I definitely iterated my way to awesome and clarified my product as I went. I was able to zero in on the details that seemed like a lot of time and energy up front but really helped me in the end."

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That a good idea is not enough. As good as you think it is there are a lot of tasks to make it into a reality ... you might want some guidance with that, a map to follow. There is a lot more to making a legit business out of a side project that you are good at.

How did EPM help you become successful?
The live weekly coaching, the answering my endless questions, the tech guy answering on fb pop up questions, or another person making tech suggestions, the steps of what you are supposed to be was hard to ignore the 1001 questions in my head about stuff that really wasn't the priority at the time ... trust the plan.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
In an unexpected way I rediscovered that I place too high of expectations upon myself. I am also quite proud of myself for even attempting this journey and coming this far. I have good things to look forward to as I have stopped thinking about my idea and started doing it.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
"Two things.
One. I have always relied on personal recommendations and never cold called or warm called or advertised. Selling to people who called me was always easy ... not so much though when it comes to looking for clients.
Two. The tech, it is a challenge. I don't understand the process, the language is new, multiple meanings and it is not intuitive. I will say the team is empathetic and do connect to help you. Even when you are frustrated or crying."

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I can see that my product does actually solve a problem that people are willing to pay for but it isn't quite the same as I had originally thought. That has been clarified for me now through this process. I can see a point on the horizon that will enable me to have a residual income when I leave my employment.

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Frances Parker

I am excited to graduate. In my typical fashion (a behavior I am on a mission to correct), I over committed and in was 3 programs at one time. I made it through the holidays but then quickly feel behind.
Two things I am super thrilled about and therefore determined to keep going until I cross the finish line of my own MA -
1. The richness of the training material is beyond any I have experienced before. It is applicable to growing my business in so many ways that I will be referencing it and applying it for months and years to come. I've applied pieces of the training to marketing outside of just for a course (Emails, websites, community engagement, etc..)
2. Having a month between now and LYM Live gives me a second target. Come to LYM Live with a beta completed and my course loaded. I've done so much of the background work and design. Time to show up for me and share instead of hiding.
This investment will pay off as I have a library of trainings that I will be relying on for quite some time. Thank you Marisa and team for being so generous.
Excited to continue down the path.

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Barbara J Hunt

I was really stuck on putting together any kind of on line offering. I really needed some structure and support. I joined EPM and realised there are a lot of moving parts that need to be included, and Marisa's thorough guidance covers absolutely everything. I really appreciated the support and encouragement of my coach and I am looking forward to running my first masterclass later this month and already have a clear idea for my next product.

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Andrea Dommers-Nilgen

I was having the problem that since years I had the idea in mind to start my own internet business, but I never really knew what topic that should be about. The topics I felt “expert enough” about, as they touched my professional background as engineer / IT manager were not close enough to my heart. The area close to my heart (Christian prayer and spirituality) I always thought that I am not “enough of an expert” to do it, so I was lacking the needed self-confidence to dare going with that. I wasn’t sure what to do and it got worse when after several years as a stay at home mom, my husband asked me to go back to a paid job to make end’s meet. I was in trouble, because I felt it’s a “now or never” to either jump into self-employment or seizing that time window, as I just knew all three things in parallel, family, employment plus building an own business on top would have been too much for me to swallow. I then came across Marisa Murgatroyd’s Profitable Product Idea Challenge and that really blew me off! Within the five days of the challenge I suddenly knew exactly the topic of my yet to be build business (the content of the challenge is also part of the later program). And the incredible wisdom that Marisa shared already in this free challenge resonated so much with all that l already knew about business and marketing. I still thought for sure the following EPM program would be way to expensive for me. And again, I was totally flashed by Marisa: it turned out to be within my (stretched) price range! So I just decided to jump in and I’ve never looked back. The Experience Product Masterclass was probably the most awesome business training I’ve ever done (and I did quite a few!) And I still don’t believe I’ve made what was promised by Marisa from day one: to launch my first product (and also get my own business officially registered in between, which was not part of the program but in my case a legal prerequisite to achieve that program goal.) YAY me! It was a bumpy ride at times, but I just loved how getting all the needed support to overcome the hurdles and - even more important - dealing with the upcoming emotions was a big part of what is provided within the EPM program. THIS exactly makes EPM so totally outstanding for me. So an even bigger YAY! to Marisa and also to my EPM coach! You are the best!

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Anita Unrau

I was having challenges with how to set up coaching programs for my clients that were longer than a one-hour session with no follow-up support, I wasn't sure what to do to help support them even more through their rollercoaster ride of grief and guilt. I joined EPM and by following the step-by-step program put together a program to serve my clients in a new way. By following Marisa's steps through the course I feel more confident and knowledeable in being of better service and support to my clients. Also to have the skills to build whatever program my mind can conceive. Thank You, Marisa and all your wonderful Team.

What's been the biggest change in your business?
Confidence and a format in my nebulous thoughts of doing a program on Animal Loss Grief Coaching.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I really appreciated the encouragement in a nonjudgemental way Marisa, Emily, Mathew, and any others of the LYM team portrayed during the course. Really helped me to keep my perspective and monkey mind quiet.

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