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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Ashby Underwood Garner

Hey EPM TRIBE, I'm grateful for you. I am in the Wellness Retreat Business and have just met my goal! I have my 3rd annual winter retreat in two weeks (yes, I will miss M2M Live *sniff* and I've been and it's incredibly inspiring!) I am headed with 19 clients to the sunny SW Pacific in Oaxaca, Mexico! SO, my goal was to add ANOTHER retreat just two weeks later AND I filled that one too with 18 clients! With combined gross sales of $39,950- I am currently adding on to our home which has been a 10 year dream for my family. ** BIG SMILE OVER HERE **.

We do and can make it happen. YES, we are powerful. Dig deep and find your grit. My Mission Accomplished for working with Physicians is just about to fulfill- not on-time for Feb 5, but RIGHT ON TIME for the abundance in my business. Every action we take is heard and the universe truly is responding to our constant desires to be of service to the world and to be paid well for it. Have fun in L.A. and stay positive!!!!

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Mikki Waid

Prior to EPM, I would spend the whole day in a blur: feeling busy but not sure what I got accomplished. I was struggling with focusing and knowing what steps I should take (and in what order). Each day seemed like a repeat of the day before and the lack of making progress on my business was frustrating and scary.

EPM provided me with exactly what I needed: a comprehensive blueprint to help me get my business off of the ground! Not only did I get a blueprint but I also received what felt like unlimited coaching and an amazing peer group that was helpful and engaging. Where I used to lack focus, I know knew what I would be working on each day. I made more progress in 10 weeks (getting my business started) than I had in the prior 10 months! It was amazing!

I didn't completly finish my course by the end of the 10 week deadline, but I know that I will finish it and eventually make Mission Accomplished! Not only have I been given the steps, to be successful, but I have also been taught what technology to use (thanks to the amazing Don Crowther and Murray).

I am extremely happy that I signed up for EPM and am very grateful for the knowledge and confidence that I have gained... in just 10 weeks!!!

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Lorna Third

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I love the focus on making it an experience and not just another information product. Love the concept of ' a get started approach ' and not wait for perfect in order to start.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I have learnt allot about myself and learnt allot about business throughout this10 weeks. In this age of online, email and social media communications- you can't beat face to face, especially with the tools provided to help create structure and content and set you up for success. Much appreciated the technical training which will continue to be of use as I build sales pages, websites in the future.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel a llot more confident in my own abilities and gained much insights that will be really useful going forward.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
This was a new product for me, so starting from scratch and now have paying clients :-)

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Getting it out there and getting feedback for what is working and what could be improved. Test bed for other products going forward.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Very professional program. Busy but everyone is rooting for you. All coaches have been awesome- the 'side coaching' is so true as had to watch allot of replays as couldn't attend live sessions. Thank you for everything- I definitely had allot of light bulb moments!

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Ling So

Your Graduation Story
I started with a program teaching people how to receive more money by clearing their invisible blocks. When I posted my ideas in the Fb group, I got lot of feedbacks that how could they pay me if they were that broke? Marisa also said that they should pay some money for my program otherwise they won’t take actions. That was a big AHA! Regardless how much I want to help those need my program the most; I’ll waste my time & resources to help someone who won’t appreciate my program. Most importantly, they are less likely to achieve positive results. Therefore, I changed my program a few times to narrow down my niche. Life happens, things in Hong Kong, my son, & one of my friends needed my help. I’ll hit mission accomplished soon. But I learned lots of valuable knowledge in these weeks. I got more value than $2000! The best online course I’ve ever taken. I had paid a lot more money for other course but didn’t get as much value as EPM.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Iterate my way to awesome. It doesn’t has to be perfect; do it anyway!

How did EPM help you become successful?

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

What has been the biggest change in your business?

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I'll upgrade many people's lives and get paid handsomely

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Raquel Devillé

I also realised that every cent spent here with LYM's team and Marisa is one of the best investments I have made in my life. Not that I didn't know this before, but reassurance about your good decisions feels always great.

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Deb Grant

Over the course of three years I worked on what I knew would be a unique and valuable course, an online-based dance course designed to help anyone who loves to dance to become a much freer and more dynamic dancer through having a personal practice . Pre-EPM I had the course content I needed (including 24 teaching videos!) and was in the perfect place in my process to move forward with marketing, launching and delivery.

I knew I was stuck as I watched my third self-imposed deadline slog on by with me not budging an inch. Thankfully EPM came through at a perfect time, and I knew I had to take this course.

EPM helped me with exactly what I needed, in order to create the right marketing, languaging and tone to convey what I was offering. The pacing of EMP was just right for me.

I'm proud of my work. I'd be delighted for you to see what I've created here:

I was unable to stay on the timeline for EPM's recommended launch dates 2-3 weeks ago -- I had to delay the launch until I knew that I could commit to the delivery date due to some life circumstances. I am currently hard at work, mid-perfect-email-campaign, with my course starting in about 10 days. I wish I could say 'mission accomplished,' and I hope that I can say this by the time I close registration next week. I'm in that phase of feeling tired and frustrated, but I recognize that I'm exactly where anyone would likely be before the pressure for customers to buy in sets in. I've had a lot of positive feedback and I have 8 registered students to date.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The training videos and step-by-step guides/pdfs helped me to have what feels like a thorough understanding of how to market and implement an experience product. I have the skills I need and feel confident that they are here to stay.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel more confident on the marketing side of things.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Copy and approach to writing, client-centric. Before I was focused on what-you'll-get-from-me and now my attention is on what you (my client) will feel, know, be able to do, experience.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Delivery of this product for the first time, and iteration.

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Cliff Sutton

As I was building the Jaguar Effect Sales Manager Success System I found I was getting much clearer at selling other agent products I am working with. The sales in those areas dramatically improved - at least $2,500.00 worth during the program. It has also changed what I am doing with the Jaguar program. It is morphing into more than coaching groups and will be a movement/tribe around what's good for people, profil and the planet. This will build over the next year! Differnt path than planned and quicker! Now I know how to do an ongoing campaign it will make all the difference. Thank you Marisa, Kate and Don and Murray!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Get clear on message and focus on experience the client will have. What's important to them

How did EPM help you become successful?
Removing the clutter that was stopping me from taking action.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I can run an ongoing campaign now and know that I will stabilize my business.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I just kept trying things and now I have confidence that I can get a process right and keep applying it.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Building a movement/tribe around what I believe in. We can do good business and take care of people, profit and the planet.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you to Marisa, Kate and Don for all your timely help and patience. There's a lot to this and I know I will be constantly using this valuable info over at least the next year til I get really good at i!

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Susan Dascenzi

Your Graduation Story
What a ride this has been! I've been struggling for about 5 years with identifying my niche and more narrow focus because as a Licensed Therapist and Coach, I've had a difficult time honing in on that one ""get started"" area to pick! I've truly loved ALL of my clients over the last 23 years and couldn't really decide how to reign it in when my area of expertise is helping people through the intangibles - the limiting beliefs, the inner gremlins, the mindset stuff from our past that gets in the way of our present and future. I knew I loved working with those ""spiritually"" minded (or ""heart-centered"" as is the buzz word of late) or conscious people who KNOW there are infinite possibilities within them, but not sure how to access the ""what's wrong"" pieces to really move their life, business, and relationships forward! And so I struggled. How do I measure this? How do I essentially ""film"" them crossing the finish line?

And so my work with a private coach (Steve Olsher) led me to Marisa and the Experience Product Masterclass. I trust Steve and have invested heavily, so I figured, why not. Well, let me tell you all...

This has been THE MOST INCREDIBLE INVESTMENT I've EVER made!! And why?

I've gained more clarity with EPM, Marisa, the team of dedicated coaches, the community, and OF COURSE the program (and my private coach :) ) than I have in the last 5 years! I have my niche. I know my product. I have the foundations for how to put it all together in the MOST comprehensive, full, AND COMPLETE program I've EVER seen! WOWW!!! Thank you!

I may not have yet made Mission Accomplished, but I have quite a few in the works because of this program and at a larger investment than the ""norm,"" so I didn't want to rush them as much (just to hit MA) as build the rapport with them and offer value. Instead I chose to build a lifelong relationship with them because I know how our work together can change their life's like a good wine...sometimes you have to let it sit for just a bit.

But here's the difference in my own mindset with that now versus before I started EPM. It's OK! It's a get started place. It's a TAKE ACTION place and I don't feel like I ""failed"" (don't believe in that word anyway) anything or didn't ""hit"" MA...I feel like I'll hit MA x10, 20, 50 now because I'm doing in the most aligned and heart-centered way myself.

Now I'm not going to say it was easy...not at all! I had to fight many of my own inner gremlins and changing of my MA statement a gazillion times...even doubting if I'd picked the right ""get started"" niche/lane. But I'm continuing to move forward and finally feel like I have the full plan in place to make it happen and really take my career in the new direction I've been wanting to go for well over 10 years...and not just the 5 I've been actively doing.

I have a deeper level of confidence, skill set, and commitment now than I've ever had before and I actually feel 100% at peace if I find that I change multiple more times. That's truly a different feeling in knowing I'm truly iterating my way to my awesome and what's so exciting is that the people who will benefit most are my own clients and students and THEIR own clients and students! We just keep rippling out that awesomeness to the world to really all become the change we all wish to see.

So my graduation story isn't really one of ""graduating"" anything as much as ""finishing"" and ""completing"" a program that is now opening the door for me to ""graduate"" INTO my life and step into my own infinite possibilties the way I have but with more of a plan and direction now. I usually don't complete programs because they don't have the value they purport to have...this one 1 MILLION % does...and I'm SO glad Steve turned to me and said ""Susan, I think you NEED to take this program because it's complimentary to what we're doing"" and I listened.

Thank you Marisa for your heart, soul, and willingness to BE who YOU are, so we could become who WE are and step into what we are meant to do! The gratitude is infinite! <3

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
That my core belief that ANYTHING is possible (my brand is Infinite Possibilites so go figure!) truly IS possible within the realm of my own work because it's been so varied for so many years that I truly didn't know how to pick that "get started" place. Now I do and now I have the full plan to implement it and iterate my way to awesome! And that the getting started place isn't truly my "forever" choice and so all the thoughts and fears I had about leaving out certain groups of people or issues, or having to diminish my work in some way, isn't true and that it will find its way in...I'll just adapt and adjust as I go along.

How did EPM help you become successful?
How didn't it??? :) Ok, seriously, it's helped me to complete and finish, to follow through and step up, to step into and out of my comfort zones, my fears, the things that I needed mirroring for me in my work in order to more fully embrace the possibilities. I didn't need tech. I didn't "need" all the things I thought I had to have "first." I just needed to take action and start. And it's really given me the blueprint for how to keep iterating my way through to awesome and keep stepping in.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Instead of my ideas being like a "pipe dream" so to speak, it's showed me that it really is a part of my reality and will continue to grow as I continue to grow. This has helped me even deepen in not just the work with my clients and future students, but with myself as well. I feel more integral now as I'm truly working to walk that walk all the time and not just the "sometimes" it felt like before.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
That I have the clarity I needed to really hone in on a brand and a direction. I could have continued on as a therapist - was a successful entrepreneur already, but I felt boxed in. Now I don't and know that the infininte possibilities I live by are truly infinite because I see the directions I can go over time in so many ways and not feeling like I had to pick just one forever.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
That my work will help have the impact on millions I always knew I was destined to have and that this ripple effect will continue to spread to others...we really can change the world. And of course, that my income will be consistent in this new direction and I'm truly infinite in my own ability to generate 6, then 7, then 8 figures and that means reaching more people, creating more ripples, and finding more life changing impacts in the conscious global change makers I'll have the honor to work with and serve.

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Diane Kubal

I have been in business selling the services of other coaches and consultants for 20+ years. Although I have been using my gifts in my business, due to personal family issues, I wasn't able to focus on work as I typically have in the past. For about 5 years I have been in maintenance mode, keeping my head above water. Now that the family issues have subsided, I was ready to dive back into my business. I needed a way to reconnect with the clients and prospects that I hadn't seen or spoken to in years. I needed a boost!

Several years ago, I started some work on developing a model and coaching approach and worked with several individuals clients. But this idea and service has been dormant for the past 7 years. When I heard about the EPM, I knew I needed to sign up and create a product!

While taking EPM I was re-engergized and my creative juices started flowing. I had to keep a notebook by my bedside because I was generating so many ideas and people to connect with and I wanted to capture them all. There were some sleepless nights because I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was quite fun to be in this "flow" kind of experience for a number of weeks. As a result, my dormant product idea came to life and it was such fun working on it!

My product is for a corporate audience and over the past couple of months I have reconnected with about 75 of my current and past clients. "Chatterboxing" has been a great way to invite potential clients into a conversation and I now have 4 clients interested in my product. Because there are a few levels of approval, etc. to get a sale with a corporate client, it will take a bit more time to hit mission accomplished although I am confident that a sale will land somewhere between $30 and $50K in March and likely more throughout the year. One of my clients gave me an idea to adapt my current product offering for a 1 to many audience, so I already have a second product idea to pilot and sell!

I have received so much positive feedback on my product and it is perceived as innovative in my professional space. It will create a new revenue stream for my business, position me as expert and is a way for me to build and strengthen client relationships for my existing business. I would highly recommend EPM to the consultants, trainers and coaches with whom I work and would love to promote the experience products they create!

Thank you for this class as it is launching my business into a new area that I am excited to grow. I see it as phase 2 for my business for the next 10 years!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Wow! So many, I can't name one, but I'd have to say my product is my biggest takeaway! I loved this program, it clearly kept me motivated to keep on going. I truly experienced the escalation and even surprised myself and finishing more trainings just to get the T-Shirt, which I don't even really care about, but that's how the brain works! I have such great clarity about my program, love the birds eye view, and the experiencification methods. Seeing how to build an experience product by going through one is truly the best method for learning. Thank you for your great content, role modeling and creativity!

How did EPM help you become successful?
I've been in business for 20 plus year selling the services of other consultants and coaches. Now I have my own product which gives me a great way to strengthen my current client and prospect relationships and another revenue stream. It increases my credibility and sets me up as an expert in a particular area, which I didn't have before. I have been getting such positive feedback on my product, more than on any other product I have sold to clients. Everyone is saying that I am really onto something! It has gotten me re-engaged in my business and this has been the next step in my own professional growth and development.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has increased my level of energy and enthusiasm for my business. I have been working longer hours, but have been "on fire" in the creative process and really having fun!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I've never had a product of my own before, so this is a big change for someone who has only sold the services of others and my own services.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I'm excited about getting other coaches up to speed on learning and delivering my product and making a higher profit margin than I do on other products.

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Cathy Raffaele

As an educator and learning experience designer, I'm usually focused on supporting people to succeed. It was really nice to have someone who clearly cares as much as Marisa being there all the way for me. Marisa is a marketing genius and her energy and enthusiasm was so infectious. EPM was an amazing business energiser and the community was just so supportive. I loved every moment!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Marisa's energy was infectious! And that was the same from people who were successful. I think my greatest takeaway was that you really get what you put in. Your mindset is everything.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Marisa is a marketing genius. I loved the marketing campaigns and Marisa made them feel really doable - even for people who hate marketing like me! :-)

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It's great to get momentum and flow, I feel a lot more powerful.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I really didn't like marketing at all before I started. Marisa was so clearly in love with it that I think that passed on. I feel like my business has a lot more energy and momentum now. It feels more powerful!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I'm really looking forward to launching and getting to try out more of the marketing campaigns.

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