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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Gitte Engelund

I didn’t reach mission accomplished and that is totally okay because I'm still heading for it … because I have a mission. I really want to introduce online courses in a completely new way to my customers - health care professionals in public health care centres who are no so ready to take professional online courses yet.

However, I want to give them an exceptional experience in using online training because I just know that it is going to be the future of public patient education for people with a chronic illness in Denmark.

However, first I have to get the health care professionals hooked and show them what an experience online product is. They will learn how to create face to face patient education as an experience product in order to create changes. And when they know what it takes to make an experience product instead of an information product then we can create patient education as an online experience product. That is my goal.

Right now my customers tell me they are not ready yet for an online approach. So I need to do it on my own and their pace. That means a lot chatterboxing. Webinars. Mails. Just educate my customers. So they become ready for an online experience. And I know they can and will get ready. Luckily there are some first movers who can see the 'light' too.

Then it is so wonderful to have all the tools because I known I will return to them over and over again. I have never ever received so much value in a course - inspiration I can use in different ways and for different purposes. Thank you so much.

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Anneka Bowman

I did not hit mission accomplished however I did make a big pivot in offering my services and finding my niche. I hit a wall with showing myself however underneath the wall lies a firm foundation of self confidence so in my case I will build a vet study door and some huge windows to let in lots of light and allow myself to be seen. Thank you!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Keep going.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I will keep going just at a slower pace plus get over the wall.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
More authentic in communications.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
It’s a big pivot still integrating.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I can continue to access the training materials.

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nancy hills

Wow! I'm celebrating the most incredible wins! My book The Artist's Journey went into pre-order last week and since then I hit #1853 in Amazon Best Seller Rank today!!!

I hit #28 in the super competitive category of Self Help Creativity, up there with books like Big Magic. I'm #1 in Women Writers, #2 in Mixed Media, #2 in Arts & Photography Essays.

I've hit the #1 Hot New Releases in categories such as Creativity & Genius and Painting every day since the book launched! I got a 5 Star Review from Reader's Favorite and the best review from artist/writer as well. Thanks everyone for the support you've given me here. #teamwin

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Virend Singh

This was an enlightening experience. I have learnt much and am positioned to complete the creation of my online program within the next 4-6 weeks. Unfortunately, I was not able to implement my marketing campaigns in a timely manner to meet the course dedlines. However, I am not discouraged. I am willing to go through the trial and error process of developing my marketing expertise to find and serve my target audience. The future looks bright!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The 10 steps in the Experience Escalation Plan

How did EPM help you become successful?
I am actually fleshing out the details and compiling the content for my online program.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am inspired to create multiple courses - one after another.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I am not in a position to implement education-based marketing.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am most excited about making an entry into this rapidly evolving online education industry. The opportunity to serve others, and be rewarded accordingly, is mind-boggling.

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Kate Phillips

Your Graduation Story
Even though I have not launched yet, I am 100% confident that I will exceed my original stretch goal! This was an extraordinary course… It has given me so much clarity. The content is amazing and so valuable (Marissa over delivers!) but the best thing of all is the EXPERIENCE!

Are used to do workshops in my living room, but for various reasons, the time has come for me to launch my trainings onto the Internet. I really had no idea how I could gauge people meaningfully in a virtual course… But now I DO! I’ve not only learned about it, but I’ve had it modeled. I am forever grateful.

Kate Phillips

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Having it modeled!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Marissa thinks of everything!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have much more confidence now to deliver a kick ass program and make great money from it.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Time!!! I am still working related but different work outside of my own business

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Launching it ;-) then making it better each year

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Cranford BlackmonIIl

I won't hit my goal by the end of the program either, but that isn't a sad point for me. I have learned SO much! Plus "iterating" has brought me to a whole new idea for my product that never crossed my mind before! So I hope everyone remembers that NOT hitting your goal by the end of the program does NOT equal being a failure. Just keep moving forward because progress DOES equal success!

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GwendiK lisa

I’ve run my programme once and my clients got amazing transformations. Am doing a challenge this week to enrol new students!

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Bruny Ocasio

When I lost my job in November of 2008 due to a company downsizing, I thought my world had collapsed.

The whole experience was traumatizing and near devastating, but it was also a wakeup call that led to me writing a book about my experience.

In the process of writing this book, I received several jobs offers that I declined until I finish it (at least that was my plan). Then I was tempted and accepted a job since my "Why" is also helping the patients in my area of expertise. I thought I could help this company market and sell their technology to serve the patients better.

You won't believe what happened next. I was only five weeks on the job when I asked for a week vacation to attend Message to Money Live to help my husband with his online business.

My husband and I were going to combine the trip with our anniversary celebration. When I accepted the job, I told them I had this planned vacation, and they agree to hire me and let me go on the trip.

The very Friday Message to Money Live event took place I received a call at 7:30 am where the Human Resource Manager and my manager notified me that my position was eliminated along with 50% of the sales force.

I couldn't believe it would happen to me again!

This time I was not devastated. I told them I understood and that if they needed my help, I would be at their service.

The story doesn't end here. Ironically the reason why I was at Message to Money Live was that I had a dream six months before the event. In my dream, I was speaking to Marisa around a fire pit. When I woke up, I checked her website, since I always follow my intuition, and I saw the sale page promotion for the event. In her promotion page, I saw the fire pit from my dream.

That's when I decided to sign up for Message to Money Live.

That day after the call I headed to the meeting. Marisa asked what brought us to the event. I stood up and told her my dream and started crying.

I said: "The Universe knew this was going to happen to me and prepared me to be here. I will use all the knowledge acquired to launch my book and help others become the CEO of their destiny.

I believe that what helped me go through this second job loss was joining LYM mentorship program.

I learned so much and started setting up my online business. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish the program until the end because my husband was diagnosed with cancer and I had to go back to my corporate job since we needed the health insurance to pay for his surgery.

Marisa was so kind to offer us the opportunity to join EPM the following year. And that's what I did!

Through the ten weeks of the program, I was able to go back where I have left things and got my passion and business back. In the last two weeks, I have accomplished more than I ever thought.

My website and the Facebook business page is up and running. I'm already having chatterbox conversations with my prospects.

My husband also watched all the videos.

We have both gain clarity of what message we want to share with the world and the best way to market and promote it.

That clarity has given us the momentum we both needed in our business.

I can sleep better now that I know what my destination is regarding my business and also my husband's business.
Even if we have to make changes based on the feedback we receive from our tribe, we know we can go back to the EPM course materials and find anything we need to make our business successful!

Thank you, Marisa!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Clarity, Clarity, and Clarity!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Before EPM my husband and I were struggling with what direction should our business take. Yes, I say both since we took the course together. The idea was that I could create a course for my niche and he could do the same. My husband has been working on his niche for five years, but what was holding him back was what should he focus on to make money. Ironically through EPM we learned that the best way to go at this moment was not an online course but adding a donation page to his website and increasing his speaking engagements since his topic is spirituality. He already has four speaking engagements booked for this year! For me, my aha moment was finally deciding what would my niche and topic be. I have been stuck for three years trying to figure it out. Once I saw the video Nice Down Profits Up everything started making sense. I gain the clarity I needed. That gave me the momentum I never had before, and in these last two weeks I updated my website, updated my business Facebook page and started posting. I also am finishing updating book I started a year ago. The purpose is to use it to grow my list and launch a course that’s related to the topic. I'm on fire! We both needed to go back and forth with the ideas we had with you and my coach Paul to figure out this was the way to go.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I can sleep better now that I know what my destination is regarding my business and also my husband's business. Even if we have to make changes based on the feedback we receive from our tribe, we know we can go back to the EPM course materials and find anything we need to make our business successful!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My husband is revamping his website to add the donation page and change the format based on the EPM course since he is using his website as his product. For me, I started engaging through the chatterbox campaign to get closer to my tribe.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Gaining clarity on our niche and topic. This clarity has led us to take more action in the last weeks that we have in years!

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Denise S Toffey

Your Graduation Story
I've actually made an incredible growth spurt during EPM. There was a final heave ho that needed to happen for me in order to get past an internal struggle that had been holding me back. I got to feel the exilleration of Owning my tribe even if I receive some push back.

The people who challenged my choice to work with women helped me become clear in so many areas about owning my boundaries and being ok with my own choices.
It turns out to be exactly the support my women come to me for and always have. We have Super Powers that others don't understand.

My whole journey last year was claiming that to my family and only allowing people who accept me even if they don't ""get"" me. And those are the women coming to me now. Without apologies. So, that's an enormous internal Ownership of my Soul that took place during this time.

Another thing that has thrilled me to no end is Fridays with Don. Although I'm a deeply spiritual healer ... I'm a glorious geek and Don made me so happy. Hee hee hee Everybody on those calls interacted and seemed to learn so much.

Computer stuff calms me down. I've been kind of cramming in an effort to complete and make Mission Accomplished so I didn't use my time yet to work with Murry on my Experiencify. (I just got it this past week) That's my reward this week. :-)

I also want to say, skill wise, I'm blown away at how much you've taught me about copy writing. I've always done it . I've always done all of these things I've accomplished here actually but there were important pieces missing that fell into place for me.
This exercise was very clever on your part. I felt bad when I started writing because I wasn't ready to reach the money part of Mission Accomplished.

However, right now I'm seeing clearly what a ROCK STAR I really am. All of the amazing pieces that did come together and are fully in place now will serve me incredible moving forward.

I really did keep up my momentum and get so so much accomplished during this EPM and have tons to show for it, both internally and externally.

Thank you very much to the entire team of Super Stars that delivered this EPM. Samora was amazing for us on Wednesdays and Jordan kept our calls running smoothly so you,Marisa, can do your thing so brilliantly.

Blessings to all. I look forward to seeing you at Live you Message Live!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My value is really important

How did EPM help you become successful?
By keeping me in the game to get so much of my business tasks done while teaching me so specifically what I needed to know in order to do it all

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
That's still being worked out. My guess is that I have more long term success now because my foundation is firmly in place

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I'm much more focused with a clear mission to keep coming back to.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I told you before I'm a total geek. This style of teaching is right up my ally. Now being able to have this product formed in this way and apply technology to it. I'm thrilled with the number of women I'll be able to help because of the way I'll be delivering my services.

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Kim DiGiovanni

Thank you to all of my fellow EPMers, Coach Mike, Marisa, Murray and all of the other coaches, tech guru's, behind the scenes team, and anyone else I may have forgotten. While I will not be hitting 'Mission Accomplished' before our official time together comes to a close, I have learned and accomplished more in these last (almost) 10 weeks than I have since launching Fat, Drunk and Fancy in January 2018.

Like I told Coach Mike, it's a matter of iterating at this point. I'm not 100% convinced I have the right EP, but I'm pushing forward with it and just trying to get the words right/understand what will peek the attention of the tribe I know is out there. I feel excited to continue to move forward and wish all of you the best of luck. I presume this group will stay open so that we can continue to follow one another's success. Congratulations, to all! You're killin' it!

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