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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Tina Antrim

Your Graduation Story
I have been through dozens of training and coaching programs and paid tens of thousands of dollars. I have to say this is one of the best programs that I participated in. The added layer of being able to communicate with a coach was a game-changer.

Here are the struggles that I had during the experience:
1) There was SO much information. It was really hard to stay on track, especially since I wanted to do the Overachiever track and not miss anything. I often fell behind because this program was like a second job and I already have a full time school counseling job and a part-time financial coaching business! LOL! Honestly, I'm exhausted... but in a good way!
2) The XP's were fun but they often didn't calculate correctly so I was never quite sure where I stood.
3) I was one of those in constant ""perfectionist"" mode and ""analysis paralysis"" mode. I was so afraid of not completing a program (or failing)... again! I was determined that this time was going to be different. Unfortunately, my insecurities got in the way yet again (as did my other two jobs) and I didn't get mission accomplished done in time. I've decided that I'm okay with that, and I'm hoping that I still hit at least my minimum goal.
4) I was frustrated that I wasn't able to be on hardly any of the Monday or Wednesday calls live due to my work schedule. Glad they were recorded but it's not the same. It was amazing to listen to Marisa be able to dial in to every single person's need... I wish that I had been able to be on a call with her and talk with her personally!

My successes:
1) I learned so many new things and pushed myself to keep going no matter how stressed and insecure I became. I created my first sales page, ran my first Facebook ad, and learned some great tips and resources.
2) I really enjoyed the smaller group coaching pods. They were the only calls I could be on live and they were very valuable as I was able to get some questions answered.
3) My program is in the final marketing stage and I launch on Feb 13th. Woohoo!! I am so nervous and scared that I'm not going to make even the minimum goal. But I know that it will be a valuable experience regardless of how many sign up.
4) I completed the program!! I'm one of those who generally start but never get all the way through, usually because of the lack of accountability and support, or I just get distracted. Not so with EPM! Plus, I was absolutely determined that this time was going to be different.

I know that there is more that I want to say but I need to get this sent a.s.a.p.
Thank you Marisa and EPM team for this program!!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It doesn't have to be perfect; just keep moving forward.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I've learned how to create better marketing for my programs and I now feel more confident in creating additional training/coaching courses.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has helped me feel more confident in moving past the 1:1 coaching that I've been doing for the last several years and creating more courses.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Hopefully, better leverage and the ability to help more people.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I need to see if it's going to work first. Then, I'll get excited and think about moving forward.:)

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Abby Rohrer

Wow! My calendar is booked with Free Money Karma Diagnosis calls for a week solid!

I'm connecting with some really fantastic entrepreneurs around the world. I just got off of zoom with a healer in Europe who said yes to my 6-week Entrepreneur's Abundance Experience.

And, I've been getting incredible info for each person's unique "Diagnosis" and getting in the moment info to share with the person right during the call! Having a lot of fun with it :-)

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Shalyn Wong

Thank you Marisa! I love the part on focusing about what we have to give. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

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Heather Craig

I had a course I knew could help people sell their homes and get me more clients, but I was stuck with the marketing. What I was doing to date just wasn't working and I didn't know what else to do. I knew my course could get people big results but I didn't know how to even get in front of them. Now, not only do I have a better course, I know exactly how to market it better. I cannot wait to see how this launch's taken me a bit longer than 10 weeks, but I am so confident that I'll make it!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Clarity around my message!

How did EPM help you become successful?
It has given me the tools to finely tune my course and turn it into something that is more valuable to my clients which is ultimately my goal.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has improved my confidence and taken away the stress around marketing and launching my now improved house selling course.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
How I convey what it is I offer to speak to potential clients better and how to write better copy on my website and around my course.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I am so excited to see the potential that this one course has. I had already run it once before, but this time it is better. I marketed it before, but this time I'm clearer on what my strategies are. I'm also excited to see how I can develop further courses based on this one to market at different groups of people.

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Wendy Daunheimer

Your Graduation Story
I've used what I've learned within my HR role in my company to re imagine and redesign the employee orientation and on boarding experience

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
How to tie all the experiential pieces I had learned before into one Positive Experience Escalation

How did EPM help you become successful?
Gave me a framework and solid steps to take to frame my program to stakeholders and employees

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Still TBD

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I have more confidence building experiences that are way more valuable than just training
What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Seeing the ROI in reduced attrition and higher employee productivity and engagement over this coming year

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Unn S komsoy

Thank you so much Marisa, for the best online course I've ever attended!!! I have never reached the end, nor the middle, of any course before. I have just a tiny bit left of EPM, but I have a full time job aside, so that is my reason. It was truly an amazing trip. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I have learned A LOT!

And I'll be back for more!

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Dottie Hager

I love all the reassurance you give us about trying even when it's not quite there. Thanks for being keeping the bar high but giving us all we need to live our dreams. Thank you.

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Heiko Schmidt

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Life is changing quickly and so the way how people communicate and start doing business together. The need to create 15 to 30 touch points to unlock someone's money was the biggest take away for me. I really got it now. Why: There is a larger shift in the society, not only physical businesses are losing to online businesses, people shift their behavior with it. Since Netflix and the "binge" feeling people want to feel that (digital) personal relationship, they became used to it and that is why in the real world, people want to have that too. Problem is: You don't get 15 or 30 personal meetings with someone until he feels comfortable enough to make business with you. And because people are changing jobs more often, (we are heading to a gig economy), traditional business relationship building processes and "sales" aren't working anymore. The solution you offer with EPM is a foundation for every sales guy in any corp out there today. Your digital way to get "warmed up" with someone upfront, before you meet him first time, is a must have to make business in the real world.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I'm kind of successful with more than 20 companies built on 4 continents and live in Malibu since 10 years already. But I learned a lot and it was worth it.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
EPM helped to create multiple products for my 30,000 people AI expert tribe and for our healthcare company Z21 Health, with the creation of the MomDoctor Program helping nurses to change their lives, and teaching moms the same program to become the better healthcare manager and make additional income. It took as a bit longer to get there but we do have the experience and the means to scale it up, so this will be a success story in the mid and long term.

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Jan Rose Distel

Your Graduation Story
Ironically, I had 4 months left in Course Builders Laboratory, but knew that I would not launch anything within that structure. It had helped get me going again, but did not feel that it would get me to lift off. I just tuned in to your webinar because I wanted to experiencify any course I was going to eventually launch and then realized that your program would get me to launch! And would be the best use of Nov-January which can be a great time to get distracted...instead...pow off to the races! First week, I had a major dental disaster, which got fixed week 9 in Costa Rica. Keep your eye on the ball. Partner gets diagnosed with torn heart valve, scary, then keeps getting really really high spikes in blood pressure-tired, but keep your eye on the ball. So I didn't reach Mission Accomplished, but I do have 8 women committed to my Beta Course---No Regrets After 50 : Jumpstart Your Best Life In 30 Days! which I'm offering for free (I'm an Altruist & it was my easier way to get started:() starting in March. I'm looking forward to what I'll learn and yes, I need to work on my money blocks!:)

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Wow! You so over delivered, but did not overwhelm.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Having the milestones, the worksheets and the weekly coaching (shout out to Coach Mike!)were most helpful. Mondays with Marisa ground me each week and the coachathons were a study in coaching on the spot! I so appreciate your Guidebooks on Design and Naming...they will forever be my go-to. And I still have to listen to Don's technical as I implement.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have a vision, an action plan and a sense of what it takes to iterate...which is equally as important...gotta remember it's a process and to take your ego out of it!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
There's no way I would be running a Beta program in March without EPM.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
How I experiencify what I'm doing in my Beta and seeing if my program flies.

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Amanda Cole

CELEBRATION: I just reached 100 people in my chatterbox chart! Not actually 100 conversations, but 100 individual emails, PMs, LI messages or website contact form fill-outs. OMG!! I did it!! Still haven't made MA yet, but am celebrating the massive action I have taken and the plan I have stuck to, if not in the exact timeframe I had in mind! Actually, it's 187 emails, because the 100th one was to 87 people on my mailing list lol... but it only felt like one.. I have made 2 sales and need 3 more for MA. And want a total of 10. Wish me success?!

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