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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Lou Ignace

Your Mission Accomplished Story
It's been a real struggle. I've been through everything... shame, confusion, regret, fear, doubt... I know I still have a long way to go to really take responsibility for making a difference, but EPM has helped me to dare to think big, and to face what I still have left as resistance to really succeeding. I know it: when I dare, the results are there. All that remains is to accept success :)

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Daring to make a year long program at a very high price

How did EPM help you become successful?
It helped me not to give up...

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Right now, I admit it, I'm going through the backlash. It's hard for me to accept success. There are a lot of fears associated with it...

What has been the biggest change in your business?
To no longer lose myself in a thousand directions and to create a single program that meets all my desires and facets, transforming it into a one-year program.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Right now, I'm just really scared.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you

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Susanne Heaton

I was frustrated. I have worked at my business, Motivated by Nature, for 10 years and people did not seem to understand what it was that I did. The 4 Mega Niches created a huge AHA moment for me even before diving into the Core Track training. I had been trying to play in the Personal Development area...which is not recommended for 90% of cases! This was shocking and enlightening to me. Bringing people in the front door by focusing on health and wellness instead of trying to get them through the back door was a huge shift for how I look at my business. The other thing was how important it is to set up our websites to get people to call us ...instead of trying to capture their emails and build the email list. This approach is very different to what other so-called experts are telling us to do. It makes so much common sense....but as my late father used to say, " I don't know why they call it common sense, because it is not all that $#@!&*** "common"!

I focused on creating an online experience product called Wild About Nature Challenge which I just launched and my heart is truly warmed by the insights and synchronicities that are already occurring for the participants and we are only at Day 5 of the challenge. In normalizing the challenges right off the start, I helped one of the participants be able to pivot from having had a rough start to ending up having a huge realization and phoning to thank me. Another participant said that doing the challenge is similar to walking the Camino Trail. You don't need to travel all the way to Spain to find "the way". You can do it right out your very own front door! This feedback truly warms my soul. I want to be able to share all the magic and the wonder that nature shares so very easily, if we just slow down, look and listen, and this challenge seems to be doing exactly that. I am very excited to see where this path will take me and the lives that it will touch and transform (including my own). I truly LOVE getting WILD and being Motivated by Nature!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

That you need to continually stretch yourself outside your comfort zone in order to grow AND there is NO such thing as Failure...only Feedback.

How did EPM help you become successful?

I pushed through to try to hit Mission Accomplished even though everything was not "perfectly" in place. I am a recovering perfectionist and I knew if I did not push through to make it happen with the M/A as the goal....I might never do it. I was truly pushed out of my comfort zone: I did FB LIVES and gave out my cell phone number for people to call. I am doing a "Just in Time" delivery system with my current course for February, which I never would have dreamed of doing before. Even though it is a little unnerving cutting things so close to the wire, I am also better able to respond to any concerns or comments that come up in real time. I learned a lot of great techie stuff...that I am still trying to master but great to know of so many free and inexpensive tools that are out there at our fingertips.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It is a little early to respond on this as I have just started to deliver my February program. The synchronicities and insights that have happened with the participants in the program so far have been very powerful for them and also for me. I now have a template to work from for all future projects that I take on.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

This challenge had been sponsored in the past by a local charity, so I had been paid by them to offer it. The charity, although they loved the challenge, did not have the money to continue offering it. I believed so much in it, that I wanted to see if I could get "paying" clients for it. I have (but not yet received as much as the charity paid me) and I am also looking at partnering up with some affiliates who are aligned in the future. I am looking at approaching homeschooling parents with this course as well.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am looking forward to creating a robust new website and membership site that continues to help create a difference in people's well-being.

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Peter Liptak

Your Mission Accomplished Story
made it!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

How did EPM help you become successful?
forcing to action

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Getting it done

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Getting the word out.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
helping people with English

Is there anything else you would like to add?

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Jacinta Haggenburg

After my accident in November 2006. I didn't have much contact with others. Living in another country with different healthcare system and opinions of how to deal with the problems I had. It was very difficult. They made my life a hell. Not fitting in the rules of both countries. My mother country didn ?t want to support me anymore and thought the doctors in my country weren't able to judge that. So I didn't have enough to eat. So I had to do something. My brother lent me money, so I could build my house with a family holiday home. I could earn some money.

After another accident and a rolling coaster time experience in a nursing home I was brought home by friends. I didn't want to stay a day longer. I could not do much, so I made a lot of contact with the universe. I got my little sickness benefit back and lived at the edge of live. Too little to live, too much to die. The holiday home did bring some money, but I had to pay my brother back. But in 2018 he gave me the possibility to do the EPM, after I saw the film with Marisa, I thought this is the right thing for me. The government let me down and can do the same again in the future. I didn't want to be a victim anymore. I followed as much as possible. I am exhausted now. But I hope in the near future to be able to start my program. Internet was something I didn't think about at all.

Now it is probably a door to my new live. I enjoyed the contact during the webinars. Thanks Marisa, Uwe, Murray, Christine, Don and all my fellow EPMers.

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Lilah Valentine

This is the story of how I learned to be visible. There are probably not very many mind-blowing plot peaks in this story. I didn’t reach mission accomplished, but I achieved something so much more valuable. You have to be truly invisible to really understand what I’ve accomplished.

The beginning …

This program came at a very inconvenient time in my life. Every part of logic screamed for me not to invest. The course dates meant that I would miss the first 2 weeks of the program; I had absolutely no savings left (from spending too much money on other courses); I had at least 3 other courses that I hadn't even started, let alone completed; I had promised my partner that I wouldn't spend any more money on courses. I changed my mind about enrolling over 20 times throughout the launch. I kept convincing myself that I already knew pretty much everything that would be covered in the program, then I’d be drawn back to those beautiful launch videos and start craving the program all over again. In the end, the doors were closing and I literally had to make a decision. I got that ‘knowing’ look from my partner as she handed over her credit card. There’s only so supportive you can expect someone to be and I had pushed beyond the realms of ‘one more chance’ and into ‘I love you but this has to stop.’
I enrolled.

The middle …

I’ll start by saying that I didn’t show up live to a single lesson. I was too afraid that I’d accidentally hit ‘un-mute’ and be mortally humiliated. It wasn't until the celebration that I joined live and realised that I could have seen Marisa’s face and been even more drawn into the work if I’d only been brave enough.

Despite not attending the live lessons, the videos were still so much more interactive than any other course I’ve taken. Marisa’s enthusiasm was infectious, even in the recordings. Every single lesson had a purpose. Every single lesson contained everything we needed to know. No more. No less. Gently, kindly, Marisa led us down a path to success. Not by overwhelming us with information. Not by showing off how much she knew and how much we didn’t. But by systematically breaking every challenge into digestible actions. She managed to take us, a group of people more diverse in both lifestyle and business stage and niche than I’ve ever been a part of, and perfectly explain things in a way that felt as though she was teaching directly for me.

The group coaching call were also an incredible opportunity to learn from Marisa. Her ability to work with words is inspirational. This gift clearly comes so naturally to her - we were all blown away by the way she could take a confused and overly long statement or heading and transform it into the succinct and compelling message - right there, live, in front of all of us.

In addition to group coaching, we were given office hours with an individual coach. As far as I could, I reverse engineered getting Rono as my coach. I looked at the photo of the coaches before completing the questionnaire at the start and I saw him and thought, “You’re not gonna take any bulls**t from me.” Because I knew that things need to change. I needed to change. Things weren't working in my business - it wasn't even a business - more of an expensive hobby. I had a website, and ESP, all the gadgets. But I had no clients and in truth, I was trying not to get any. I was hiding out behind my computer doing ‘busy work’ that made me feel like I was achieving something.

Anyway, back to the coaches. If I’d been playing by my normal rulebook, I’d have tried really hard to get Christine to be my coach. She just looked so kind and so friendly (not that the rest of the coaches didn’t!!) and I was pretty sure I’d be totally in my comfort zone. It turns out I was wrong anyway - Rono was not as scary as I thought. His calls were full of personalised attention and information. And he’s kind and funny too. Although I ‘hid’ with my video turned off, I was still there, lurking! And the one-on-one sessions - priceless. (More about that later!)

The Facebook group for this program was unlike any other I’ve experienced. I felt safe. I started commenting and even sharing. I asked for feedback when normally I would have struggled alone. The support and interaction in this group has been so incredibly valuable to me. And it was fantastic to have so many team members give their feedback - so many different strengths in one incredibly effective team. Watching their feedback as like have a ‘fly on the wall’ view to answers to so many scenarios, worries and confusions, many of which I shared with the people asking the questions. As well as the general posts, I totally loved Christine’s wonderful, and always timely, videos. Like a warm hug, they popped up in my newsfeed and reassured me that I was going to be ok. That I could do this. That we all could. Sometimes it’s the little things that help the most.

The end …

A game-changing part of the course for me was the one-on-one call with my coach. Although it very nearly didn’t happen at all. You’ve probably guessed by now that I’ve been more than a little bit shy and lacking in confidence recently. To be honest, this program occurred right in the middle of one of most anxious times of my life. When I signed up for the program, I questioned whether I’d be able to ‘make myself’ have a one-to-one call with my coach. By the end of Week 7, the answer was glaringly clear. I had no intention of booking my coaching call by this point. I’d let myself down but I was safe.

I don't know what changed. I think I simply realised the value of what I was passing up. By the end of Week 7, I was becoming more confident and willing to be more visible. I booked the call while I was waiting to be served in a cafe. It literally took 30 seconds, and for about 45 minutes I was very pleased with myself. But then the panic sank in. I put 6 reminders in my phone in case I missed the appointment. I made lists of what to ask. I checked the meeting link numerous times. I drove my partner crazy with my frantic ramblings. I worried about it from that moment onwards. By half an hour before the call, I’d sent my partner out of the house so she couldn't hear what I was saying and banned my teenage daughter from exiting her room while I was on the call. I counted down the seconds until exactly 5.30pm. Then I left it 10 seconds - in case my clock was wrong. I was so panicked by the time we connected that I forgot to put my headphones on. So there was Rono, waving through my computer screen and I couldn't hear a thing …

The meeting was fantastic. I learned loads right there and then and Rono also gave me so much advice for how to move forward. But here’s the thing. I got more from that coaching call than the information. I got to listen to someone who had knowledge and experience in the business and who believed in me - he believed that my idea was good. He believed I could make money. He did some quick math and we talked about figures. And I suddenly realised that this thing could actually be real. I might just actually succeed.

Everything changed for me after that call. I had a plan that I trusted. I had motivation and confidence to go for it. I felt like I was, it’s hard to explain, I felt … real. My business felt real. Validated. Worth fighting for.

Epilogue …

This program has been so much more than the sum of its parts. I truly believe that I could not have gotten these results, this confidence and this clarity from anyone else. I needed to hear Marisa’s message, from her. I’ve never connected with a mentor who is so far advanced from where I am but still able to hold that space to show the clear path ahead.

I’ve taken so many courses. I’ve ridden the emotional rollercoaster of the thrill of the promise followed by the desperation of my failures. But this program was different. I was never alone. And I never failed. I achieved more in this 8 weeks that in years of business before. I did not reach mission accomplished during the time frame because I chose not to. I reached for something far more valuable. I reached for the opportunity to grow myself, and to lay the foundations for a successful, sustainable business.
I fully intend to reach mission accomplished. In fact, I’ll be launching early next year. I have booked a ticket to Message to Money Live and will use the income from my launch to pay off my credit card. Even while I write this, I cannot believe these words are mine. This is the first time I have ever dared to expect to earn an income. I always hoped. I always dreamt. But now, my business future is non-negotiable. Not only do I expect it of myself. I demand it.

Of all the things Marisa and her team taught me, this was by far the most valuable lesson: “I am capable of this, right now.” Their most valuable message: “We believe in you.”

In 8 weeks, I am transformed. I grew out of myself and started growing into the person I want to be. I have gone from business-dreamer to committed. From lost to excited. From wimpy to brave. From invisible to visible. From alone to supported and championed.

I am alive. My business is alive. And my future is alive.

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Michelle Abraham

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I was having problems getting my course content created and uploaded to a site to deliver so I kept doing 1:1 with every client no matter the price point. This program helped me focus on my messaging to attract the right people and a place to funnel them to. I am happy to say our class started this week with 11 new people in it paying between 997-1497. I've released the need to pre record everything and will be recording as we going along making sure I'm delivering exactly what they need.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
To just make changes as you go and it doesn't need to be perfect from the get go

How did EPM help you become successful?
It gave me a platform to engage my clients in instead of a boring course, it engaged me the whole time which is rare so if it worked for me it must work for my clients

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It has given my a system to use for marketing and a platform for building a great program!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Delivering what clients want instead of what I want to deliver

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
its done and set up and will only get better each time I run the program

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Because of Steve Olsher's Bonuses I went to San Diego for his VIP day, met the team was interviewed on Reinvention Radio and we are now producing their two podcasts for them soooooo amazing connection there!

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Jaimae Lacey

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

The mindset and steps to creating an education and expertise product that will capture the attention of our intended audience.

How did EPM help you become successful?

The structure of the program was amazing! Loads of content, delivered in digestible chunks; coaching that helped keep accountability while giving you someone you could personally work with; and an active, engaged FB group of folks who were all trying to help each other succeed.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Being a new entrepreneur, EPM has helped me see that I really can create a platform to share my expertise with others in a meaningful way.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Having a clear path on what is the next thing we should be offering to our niche and how to approach it... which is a digital course so that our message will reach a wider audience and make more impact in the world.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

We are already doing well with the physical products in our security line but I'm excited... and terrified... in launching the digital course. Can't wait to see how it does!

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Joanne Hansen

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I had been thinking about a program idea for over 12 months and despite positive feedback from colleagues, I hadn't actioned it. I wasn't sure how to reach my target audience, or talk about it in a way that would make it unmissable.

I still remember seeing the first email about Marisa. I was at the airport heading away for work. Over the next three days, I absorbed everything I could from Marisa - I knew she was offering something fundamentally different.

Whilst the guarantee got me across the line, it was the group coaching and bite size content drops that really helped me get the ideas out of my head and into reality. I loved the fact that I was experiencing an experience product whilst simultaneously creating one!

Within 12 weeks, Marisa and Don were able to support me to market and successfully sell a program that had been lying dormant as a ""good idea that I should do"" for over 12 months!
I still think the biggest win is yet to come - as Marisa kept saying, if I can do it once I can do it again. EPM has just helped me do it once and I have absolutely no doubt that I will be able to develop more impactful programs again this year.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The importance of incorporating gamification and breaking things into small manageable steps, which allows for constant wins.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM literally helped me take an idea I'd been thinking about for over 12 months and turn it into a program within 12 weeks and it already has paying participants!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
EPM has given me the confidence to change my ideas into a tangible program that I am proud to talk about and market.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My enthusiasm to apply experiential aspects to everything I'm delivering to clients - not just the program I designed in EPM!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Continuing to iterate my way to awesome! I now have critical knowledge about what to listen for and the confidence to adjust things on the fly in order to produce a better outcome for my clients

Is there anything else you would like to add?
This program (and you, Marisa) are very cleverly structured. I don't think it's possible to appreciate just how clever it is the first time around.

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Janette Holland

For about 10 years now I have wanted to transform people's lives through my workshops. The first time I offered a workshop for free and attracted 12 people. Two out of that group signed up for the next paid course. At the time I thought that was a disaster. Now I know that was a good conversion rate. I wondered what secret I was missing and went to course after course.

I always berated myself that I didn't have the know how or "missing ingredient" to get my business off the ground. I also berated myself for spending money on courses and seeing no results. Sometimes I felt an abject failure because I was not able to put into practice what I had learned in the courses.

I do believe in synchronicity. I believe that if we listen to our intuitive voice and follow our inner guidance the Universe will have our back. Out of the blue information about EPM arrived in my mailbox. I watched Marisa's webinar and I was compelled to sign up. And the price was right. From the start I was so impressed with the quality of our learning materials. I couldn't believe the amount of coaching that was available to us, and not only that, we had our own personal coach, who looked at our work and gave us personal feedback.

In the past I had always tried to do everything myself and became disheartened when what I implemented didn't work. In EPM I had a coach who could steer me in the right direction. I have literally been blown away by the support and the learning materials we have been provided with.

I have developed my Experience Product from scratch I have not achieved "mission accomplished." During the course I had to take time off to rehearse for a concert and there was the birth of a new grandchild so I had babysitting duties with his older brother. However, I knew that when I did have the time, if I just kept implementing what I was learning, step by step, I would finally be successful. I have started the Chatterbox Campaign, Start with an Experience Campaign and the Application Campaign. I have begun to feel comfortable telling people what I do. As a result, my beautician, podiatrist and local cafe owner have all agreed to display my business cards and leaflets. Two accountants have agreed to recommend me, if appropriate. These are just small steps, but I know if I take more action other opportunities will emerge.

I feel I am standing on the threshold of a new and exciting life, where I will be doing what I love and making a difference in other people's lives. I have new found confidence and certainty that what I am creating will have a positive and awesome impact.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM? My biggest takeaway is that I feel so grateful to have found a course and a community that resonated with me. I was blown away by the quantity and the extraordinary value of the content. I was also extremely grateful for the generosity of my coach, Mike, and the generosity of the FB community.

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM helped me to become successful because it gave me step by step guidance and support to reach my goal.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I have more self confidence. Also I am able to take action and give up expectations, realizing that the results are feedback to enable me to iterate my way to awesome. Two days ago I put an ad on Gumtree, your equivalent of Craig's List, and I am at ease with whatever eventuates. EPM has impacted my life because for the first time I did a course where I felt guided and supported to reach my goal. I understand that I am unique and have something to offer to the world. Also, through the stories of the other participants, I understood that we all have challenges and roadblocks and when we keep on taking step after step and persisting, we will be successful. It was so reassuring to me to find such a heart centered community. EPM is such a great model on how to be the very best.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

The biggest change in my business is my mindset. I understand it is not what I do but what I do for my clients. I also understand that it is not about selling but about being authentically me and that is what people respond to. I have created a new product from scratch. I have not reached Mission Accomplished as I had to take time off to rehearse for a concert and also there was the birth of a new grandchild so I was on babysitting duty for his older brother. However, my beautician, podiatrist and local cafe have agreed to display my business cards and leaflets. Also two accountants have agreed to recommend me to their clients, when appropriate.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am most excited about attending Message to Money Live as I feel that I will find more clarity and ways to move forward. I believe that I have a great product and that it will make a difference to the lives of the people I serve. In bringing my product to the world, I believe that I am experiencing personal growth and making the world a better place

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Rachel Bagby

Poppa-Bear Care Yanked My Career Off Rails

Back in 2006, three years of increasing responsibilities to care for my ailing Poppa Bear had yanked my career off the rails and made it almost impossible for me to carry on with my creative work. Years of living with him in ICU waiting rooms and extensive care facilities were harrowing experiences that taught me how to navigate crisis care for a near-fatally stubborn parent while holding on to my sanity. Desperate for sisterly company and income, I fantasized about translating those experiences into online "Care and Carry On" programs that I could create and offer anywhere. I imagined creating programs that would be lifelines that similarly desperate, on-call-'round-the-clock, creative daughters could access anytime.

T-Totally Turned Off by PUSH Programs. So I bought a mess of programs that promised me bits of what I sensed I needed to know to make my fantasy come true. Problem was, each program that I purchased only gave me some of the puzzle pieces needed to move from idea to beta online offering. And none of them did it in a whole, supported way that matched my values or yearning, learning and earning styles. I often felt capital T-totally turned off by what I perceived to be manipulative marketing messages or techniques. Sometimes the trainings advocated using language and methods calculated to flat-out "control" or "puppet master" potential clients. YUCK!

The EPM Difference: Excellence, Compassionate Care & Beauty Through-and-Through What I needed--and am so grateful that Marisa provides with her team via the Experience Product Masterclass--was a strategically integrated business and learning model that resonated with my values of excellence, compassionate service and beauty through-and-through.

One that also offered ample FUN time for learning-in-community. One that included stories about the concerns and strategies of successful social/conscious entrepreneurs in the mix. And one that framed completion of the program as a MISSION aligned with my life-purpose. YES!

Before EPM: No Experience Escalation Plan

Before EPM, I created "DaughterWise Eldercare: How to Care for Your Ailing Parent While Carrying On with Your Creative Life," as a live workshop featured by the DC-located National Cathedral's Sacred Circles for Women Conference. It was a wild success. More women packed the room than there was ample seating for. But I didn't know how to structure an experience that offered members of my audience (who gave DaughterWise Eldercare rave reviews) value-packed ways to become clients who continued to work with me. I didn't have any experience escalation plan in place for following up with participants and continuing to serve them.

During EPM: Earning While Learning & Loving the Flub!

By contrast, soon after signing up for EPM, I agreed to be part of an hour-long teleseminar to support's Million Trees Campaign to crowdsource planting 1 million trees per year. Thanks to EPM's "Give Them What They Want" survey, (which was completed by several Tree Sisters) and coaching with Samara and Marisa, I was able to deliver an abundance of value to's founder, Clare Dakin, as she interviewed me during the call.

As a devoted Tree Sister, I coached Clare to "care and carry on"-- to strengthen her voice as a daughter of & for Earth while reclaiming a deeply nourishing practice of singing that she had abandoned years ago. We worked together with such passion, with Clare giving clear feedback about how the experience was benefiting her breath-by-breath, that listeners reached out to sign up for my $497 EPM project, "Voicing Your Power," before its sales page or content was even complete. It looked like I might reach MISSION ACCOMPLISHED before we were halfway through EPM's eight weeks!

I set up a Calendly account and began scheduling 30-minute discovery calls. Everyone said they were delicious! But when only one person committed to the five session program, I SO wished that the 10xDelivery training had been offered sooner. I flubbed the discovery calls, big-time. My biggest flub: not asking for payment and providing a link to a check-out page right there on the calls. But I took Marisa's message to "Love the flub and KEEP GOING!" to heart...Reaching Out with Heart Resonates

Before EPM, I've never conducted consistent mailings to the 1700 souls who have given me permission to contact them via MailChimp. But after learning about the perfect 4-email campaign, I outlined the first email in a 4-part sequence that would conclude with offering my Tribe the chance to join me in a world-changing adventure: "Voicing Your Power." I was in the midst of uploading everything for the email campaign into my MailChimp account when the election results of Nov 8th sent shock-waves throughout the USA and the world.

Scrapping the note that I intended to send, I reached out instead from my heart with a simple message, summed up in the subject line: "Here for You." I asked, "How are you? How are your children?" I asked about relations with family and friends stressed by political differences. I offered my heartful ears if someone needed them. I shared Perseverance, by Margaret Wheatley--a book that I found especially supportive during the 48hrs immediately following the elections. I encouraged my readers to care and carry on, together, with love.

Implementing lessons that I'd learned in the course on writing copy, and the language insights gleaned from my survey, I kept the note resonantly authentic, short and sweet. My open and click rates on that email were through the roof.

A woman unknown to me (my ideal client incarnate!) asked for help powering up her voice in a new role as the President and COO of a SaaS company that supports Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) professionals. She'd joined my list after seeing me create vocal community throughout a Wisdom 2.0 event in 2013

After our first discovery call, I was so inspired by her and her work that I offered her a second free session. After call #2 she invited me to integrate elements of my "Voicing Your Power" program into one of the premiere CSR conferences that her company is hosting. I'd never even considered CSR folks as a "niche" when thinking about my perfect client. Yet many are: mostly women, passionate about justice and longing to be deeply heard as they inspire communities of people (employees of the corporations they work for) to take world-changing action.

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED inside an out! I'm listening to former and current clients more intently and intelligently. Establishing systems of experience escalation and streamlining product creation processes. $7997 earned: $7,500 contract to design and deliver fabulous "Voicing Your Power, Together" conference experiences. And I'm exploring how to offer my work to other corporate attendees. (Signed up for additional consulting time to help me think THAT through!) $497 working 1-on-1 with a client secured after teleseminar. Will conduct my first paid Voicing Your Power 1-on-1 retreat at Singing Farm.

Deeply, deeply grateful to you, Marisa, to Coach Samara and to the whole Live Your Message team!

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