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2927 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Jennifer Randive

Hi Awesome Folks, I am a novice with the EPM. it's Brilliant and I received so much from it
On the 5th of May I was Invited To Speak to A Group of CEO'S and shared what I experienced being a CEO Myself. Yeah CHANGE. One of the CEO's who heard me speak came to me and wanted to know more. We met and she is Now my Client. USD 2750 Per Month for 6 Months. Thank You Marisa Mike Christine And Everyone in Between! Grateful for Everyone Contributing

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Cathy Nicoll

I started this course specifically for the experience side of the experience product, which that concept of constant wins really developed, but the most vaulable thing for me was to define my niche better than ever before.

Then I met the other EPMers. The relationships have been great, and this is one of the best online communities I have been involved in. I don't think I have ever met such a warm, generous group of people in a business group.

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Brocha Speyer

Your Graduation Story
I learned a lot, haven't made money yet, but will be launching soon!

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Raquel Devillé

I just finished EPM. I'm happy and, at the same time, I feel nostalgic. (already, it's the Portuguese saudade). I became so addicted to this program that I have no idea how to go on without my weekly fix. Thanks Marisa!

I'm already working on my new EPs (using my real products now). Coach Mike Inchalik is helping. Soon I'll be posting here my new missions. I decided to start my weight loss program tonight. I needed some urgency to make people enrol. And why not tonight?

It's a beta version, far from being perfect. I'm building the program while doing this beta (much more human) version. I'm using a Facebook group for content delivery while building it with Thinkific.

Why like this? I needed a date to start. My customers want something human. They want to go to my wellness center (the one with offices to rent) and to do it loosely. It's a way of making people come to the center and discover the other activities. I have to force myself to make the program without the stress of perfection.

The program sold a little more, I have 3 paying customers now and maybe more by the end of the day. Yesterday I got a new office customer, another rent. I like I'm iterating my way to awesome.

This is a long non-structured text just to say thank you, I love being here, I'm so happy to get to know you and I can't hardly wait for M2M. (photos from the office where I'll be tonight starting my Et puis... mince ! weight loss program.)

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Sheila Griffith

I reached mission accomplished a few weeks ago -woot woot woot! and am developing my programs out to be ready to support 1:Few instead of 1:1. Having a blast and excited to start to fine tune my close rate - I know there is another name for it, reach more people, develop my mktg and longer programs.

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Gwendi Klisa

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
You can do it if you focus on it.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I did achieve quite a lot, because I followed along the modules, but don't feel very successful today.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I'm starting out on my Brand an Messaging Business, which I'm very happy about.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I want to grow my tribe and launch again with a more engaged list. It can only get better.

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Gerri Bostick

Your Graduation Story
I completed all of the modules, participated in all except one of my Wisdom Wednesday Calls, and 90% of Marisa's Monday laser coaching. It was a comprehensive and demanding experience and after a few weeks in, I realized that my primary avatar works in corporate America and expects to receive most of their training through their organizations where they work. As an executive and leadership coach, my current clients are all mid to senior level executives who work in various types of industries. I then developed a secondary avatar (HR VPs/Directors and senior leaders in financial services and retail & wholesale who are employed in companies. Therefore, my marketing shifted from online to in person or phone. My coach, Don Crowther, agreed with my approach after my survey results showed that most of my avatars do not go on FB and are not actively looking for external leadership courses. He reminded me that it would take longer to build a following since I would be selling licenses to companies or presenting in person in workshops. It was a huge shift from what I had originally planned. After using Chatterbox campaigns and The Start With an Experience campaign, I did get some engagement, although no purchases of my experience product yet. I do have an opportunity to run my experience product through a Beta test with a group of mid-level executives in a not for profit and the senior leader has agreed to pay $2,000 for the product. This will allow me to work out the kinks and get some testimonials. When I receive the payment, I will then declare Mission Accomplished, although this is a far cry from where I want to be. It is a great outcome, though, since I learned a tremendous amount about how to best market and "experiencify" my products, now and in the future. The sideways coaching was invaluable.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
So many - the most powerful is you don't have to be perfect or have a perfect product, just get your work out there!!

How did EPM help you become successful?
Gave me more discipline to get it all done and tackle the technology, with assistance

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am bullish that I will change my lifestyle and have my picket fence. I will do this!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The shift to marketing to corporations instead of to individuals.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
The extensive possibilities for my life's work, and the ability to get my work out by moving from 1:1 to 1:Many.

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Karalyn Brown

Well, I finally did it!!!!! Last sale done and Mission Over Accomplished!! - pushed through my comfort zone and sent that last email to my tribe! Someone popped up in paypal this morning.

It's amazing how much more confident you feel when you believe you're developing something that will make a big difference to the lives of your customers, helping them take control of what is always a stressful time. I could not have developed that without this program. Thank you so much for all your help and support, and I wish everonye all the very best

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Michelle Anne

New neural circuits are made with all the new things we have done and I know I have taken a quantum leap in confidence and it's like my world has expanded

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Gordana Ross

When I signed up for EPM, I knew it would be a success. Even though I haven't reached my goals as yet, I know that I will be successful very soon. I was fully committed during those 10 weeks, putting in everything I could. I've learned a lot of new things and got a better understanding of others which is very valuable to me.

Prior to EPM, all I really had was my Facebook page and my website RISE TO HEALTH COACHING. Creating a mission statement and bird's eye view was my biggest challenge and yet it forced me to think about my niche and get clear about who my target audience is. I will probably keep changing it until I'm 100% satisfied but before EPM I haven't really spent time thinking about it. Thanks to Marisa and coach Paul, I nailed my current mission statement and I created my 90 day 1:few online coaching programme THE PEAK ENERGY EXPERIENCE.

Besides, I value the time and effort from the support team and the coaches. Thank you Marisa, Murray, Don, Christine and all other success coaches. You have been amazing, helping us to get closer to achieving our goals. You helped me find clarity in many areas of marketing and gave me directions towards mission accomplished. I haven't achieved mission accomplished YET but I know that it is only a question of time until I will. I will continue apply the tools provided and I will follow your guidance and strategies until I can make it work. Thanks again for this unusual experience!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I have learned a lot during the process of campaigning, over the past10 weeks of EPM. I've not only learned a lot about myself, I also pushed many buttons, deprived myself of sleep, laughed, cried and experienced frustration and disappointment AND I also realised that not everything can happen for everyone at the same time. Even though I haven't reached Mission Accomplished, I’m not going to see this as a failure. Instead, I am going to get up, dust myself off and keep going. I decided that I need to change my strategy. I have to use a different approach. The EPM has showed me different ways of looking at things. Some strategies looked familiar, others were new and I found it interesting to look at things from a different perspective. What I really appreciate and value is the time Marisa spent with the tribe. The support was outstanding and most of the sessions were extremely valuable.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I've grown a lot in the past 10 weeks, personally and professionally. I've listened to feedback and I will try to implement what I have learned in my future campaigns. I wouldn't call myself successful just now but I am well equipped with great advice, a structure and concepts that have been tried and tested and great memories of being part of this amazing tribe.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
So far, I can say it was rather time consuming and at times a bit overwhelming and the success is yet to come but I am very motivated and feel that the things I've learned will help me achieve my goals.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Not much at the moment - I'm still working on it!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Trying all other marketing campaigns that I haven't used in those 10 weeks.

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