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497 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2023

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Gabrielle Tribelhorn (class of 2023)

I could not and did not want to start my Chatterbox campaign at the date scheduled by the program for two reasons: I did not have the first emails after sale ready and the time before Christmas is THE busiest time for my target audience of working moms. Unfortunately, after Christmas, I had a heavy cold and could hardly speak. So I started my Chatterbox campaign only at the beginning of 2024. I wrote a message to 40 'cold' first contacts on Linkedin but so far only got 3 negative answers. Therefore, I did not have ANY conversations yet. I am going to change my stragety and write to second contacts in Linkedin with another message. PS. I have been chatterboxing before but mostly I only got in touch with either other coaches, women without children or with older children. I also asked for a referral but so far it did not work.

As I had no conversation and no sale yet, I will go on Chatterboxing. However, I want to add other marketing methods like adding free and low cost products to my sales page and launching them. I can do that right away because I have products ready. And I intend launching a 5-day-challenge and see what happens then. That will take a bit longer.

I am now prepared to clearly communicate the benefits of my program and my credibility. My life has not changed very much. I am kind of experiencing what my ideal clients are experiencing, which is, trying to balance work, family and free time. I have a new partner and we moved together and in summer I will become a grand-mother so I must be careful not to spend too much time with my business though I would like to have more time for it! Make marketing a priority instead of focussing on product development. I am now able to try different marketing strategies and am better prepared for chatterboxing.

I would like to know if there is anything I could do to get an answer to my chatterboxing requests. I can't force anyone to answer!

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Kelly-Anne Lauzon (class of 2023)

I was having this challenge getting my fourth and fifth sale . I wasn’t sure what I was doing wrong when I had been doing so well . Having joined EPM I learned from guide on the side lol that people can sense when you want something so bad . I guess I had a goal in my head and maybe it was coming through . What I learned was to just step back and be happy that I had the three sales and just do a reset and remind myself of the Birds Eye view before each of the next calls and really feel how their child will transform and benefit . Well it worked , not on the next call but within the next couple of hours I was able to get my next two paying clients . Woo woo !!!

My concept that I need to work on the business … do daily reach outs … even looking into B to B now . It’s so easy to get caught up in the content BUT why write all the contant if you don’t have any clients ? I believe that it can be possible to have a lucrative online business. That I might need Marisa at another point in my journey if I want real success ! What’s now possible is I can try to figure out how to leverage it

Again my appreciation that somehow you and your course came into my life and I took a chance and it was one of my better decisions :)

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I was having the challenge of not being able to realize my dream of launching my product online. It was a classic paralysis by analysis. I wasn’t sure what to do to overcome this situation. I joined the Supercharge Track. It was the best choice I made. I learned how to be more specific and concreate. I enjoyed a harmonious dialogue with my coach Carolyn. I realized that all my fears about the launch of my program were not real. I learned to ask for help when being stuck. I recovered my energy and confidence that I can handle it.

I was having a challenge with defining my target group, think and feel from the perspective of my Clients, design a program that could respond to their needs, not mine. I joined the Supercharge Track and I learned how to get in my Clients’ shoes. I discovered their fears, joys, anxiety about the future. And I saw real Human Beings. It was amazing. I redesigned my program. I have the confidence I am serving the goal bigger than mine.

I was having a problem how to approach my Clients to talk about my program and how to sell it. I joined the Supercharge Track and the big discovery was the chatterboxing. With the little help of my coach Carolyn I designed a great scenario ready to be used. And it worked super well. I made my first sale.

I was having a problem with designing my bonues, my guarantees. I never did it before. I joined the Supercharge Track and finally my coach Carolyn helped me create a valuable offer.
I was having a problem see what’s next. I wasn’t sure what to do. I joined the Supercharge Track. I learned that despite my age I can dream about new possibilities and go into action to make them happen.

dream BIG People who care matter Become independent and do what I want from the place on the planet I choose

Yes, THANK YOU AND BIG HUG TO MARISSA and MURRAY. You made me believe I am still in the game.

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Fiona Kolia (class of 2023)

"My paper plane tanked, had to pivot to a new idea with lower price point. Learned valuable lesson of following all protocols to reach success. will continue to persevere. Great course
Needed more time from my full time career to dedicate to this. Will continue until it's done"

more structured more determined to succeed FOLLOW THROUGH AT ALL TOUCH POINTS I am not afraid to launch an online course in the future , i have great tools

Wish I had more time!., Gave up on milestones after my plane tanked in dec. it took me a while to regroup but could not catch up sadly. great mentoring Marisa!!!! Thank You!

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Valerie Bonnett (class of 2023)

I have done one on one visits for years. I have been frustrated because women do not return for follow up visits as recommended, thereby not getting great results. I have wanted to change this through group coaching for years but didn't know what to do.

I have tried launching a course for a couple of years now but didn't know how to design or market it. This is my 2nd time through EPM and it has finally clicked. I have designed my program and have made a few sales already. More importantly, I know now what I have to do to change from (extremely underpaid) one on one visits to group visits. And the time freedom and increased income that I will benefit from will be life changing.

I offered my 12 week educational/group coaching program to clients that I have previously seen in one to one visits and had 2 sign up right away, at $997 each.

I am excited to be able to help these women get superior results because they will understand their health and hormones so much better.

I ended up signing up 3 women and made back my investment in EPM and more.

Working one on one and having poor follow up from clients. It shows me that I can change to group coaching and will be able to make far more money with the same or less work. Keep doing it until it clicks. It took me 2 times through until being successful. Now I see that this will transform my life. Financial freedom

Thank you for making this program so awesome.

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Alicia Cooper (class of 2023)

I was having the problem of enrolling in courses and not completing them, and I wasn't sure what to do to solve this issue. I joined EPM and I instantly knew that I would finish the program. Everything about the program, from the gamification, to the deliverables, to the way that the coaches coach, spoke to me. I committed to complete the process and I DID complete the entire program! I have designed a course from start to finish that I am proud of. I am confident that my course will help many people improve or save their marriages, and will help me earn the income that I know I can earn.

Overhauling my existing course from start to finish, and ending up with a course that I am very proud of, and knowing that I will get even better results for my future clients. I have more confidence about my ability to affect real change in the world. I am confident that I can earn enough income through selling my course, and my books, that will allow me to help people full time. That the work I am doing is valuable, and I can charge my worth. It is possible for me to create a new income stream for my family and to begin to build real wealth for us, while changing lives. The future is VERY bright and exciting.

Coach Jennifer Rada is THE BEST COACH EVER! She is so compassionate and incredibly patient. I am so glad that I had the chance to worth with her. I hope to join Momentum in the near future, and work with Jennifer again inside of Momentum.

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Laura Ickes (class of 2023)

I was looking for a way to create an income that would match or exceed my regular W2 job so that I could be available to my family like I am going to need to be in the this next season and get out of the horrible financial bind we found ourselves in. I wasn't sure what to do we had negative in our bank account, nothing left in saving, and my work was becoming increasingly stressful and toxic. I joined EPM and learned everything that I needed to create and start my own program. I realized that what seemed so complicated was doable especially with Ainslee as my creative director. That tool was the creativity that I needed to complete all the modules and create a product I'm excited about. I start completely from scratch. I have no ideas and I just used did the steps, used the tools and listened to all the coaching and reach out and utilized my coach and now have a program that I am ready to launch.

My biggest challenge has been to talk about it to others and let others know that my product is available. Starting to chatterbox has been by far the biggest challenge. I realized what is possible. I realized that I did have what was needed and that I continue to have what is needed to keep iterating and pivoting until I find that product that launches me to my goals. I can do it with the support and the structure. I have the vehicle to change our financial situation and to change my life and my families life. It is possible now to meet those goals as long as I don't quit and start selling and adjusting and progressing and don't give up.

This program and how it was structured was the format that I needed to actually do the work. I was stuck and didn't know where to start and now I have a viable product that I can sell and I have all the resources to be able to do that again and again. Thank you!

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Angela Forest (class of 2023)

"EPM came to me after a devastating work experience where I was assaulted by a high-ranking supervisor in June 2023.
In the fall of last year, I was not in a great place and I made the decision to join EPM because I had wanted to start my own business for at least a decade. The work incident pushed me to finally take a chance on myself and believe that I was good enough to go after my dreams on my terms.
Even if I never sell anything through my Experience Product (which I'm confident that I will), I have become empowered through my experience with EPM, which allowed me to stay focused and energized during a challenging time. I feel like the Universe conspired to bring me to this program, which has helped me come closer to reaching a long-held goal. Many thanks to Marisa and everyone involved in EPM. I have my voice and my message now and I'm going to make a positive impact as several people have told me my program is greatly needed.

Actually putting my program together and seeing that it could actually work and there's a need and a market for it. I just need to tap into my core audience. I know that I am worthy and capable of having a successful business. I wasn't sure before I started if I would ever get to this point before joining EPM. Never give up on yourself or your dreams. I think it's really the sky's the limit now. It's really up to me how far I can take my Experience Product.

I really appreciate Marisa's dedication to the program, her drive and commitment to provide the best experience product through EPM and to really walk the talk in how she supports and guides students to success. That is how I operate in my professional life, and so it's nice to experience that from the other side as a customer.

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Lisa Ulshafer (class of 2023)

I was having a challenge selling my existing course outside of my private coaching clients, I wasn’t sure what to do market it as a stand-alone product. I joined Experience Product Masterclass and discovered how gamification increases engagement and how to create a product from start to finish with all the different elements that go into it. I have launched my new live program and feel good about the process and that it is duplicatable for the future.

Feel I need to complete the course and my sales before answering this question.

Feel I need to complete the course and my sales before answering this question.

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Mark Diaz (class of 2023)

I had experience with launching courses and making money, but struggled to get my students to finish the course, and get results that I could use to motivate other visitors and turn them into buyers. After I joined EPM and took the lessons I learned what I needed to do to have my students engaged, as well as get results. Now all I had to do is launched.

Before EPM I didn't have a course that created an experience, something that would keep my students engaged. They would buy my course, and sometimes not even start it. Now after EPM and using Xperiencify I feel like I will keep my students

engaged.Your FIRST SALE Story
Since I am not new, I already had an email list of 8,000 subscribers because I have been in my business for 8 years - the problem is that I have been stuck, and this course I believe will help me grow my business and get unstuck, so I can get to my goal of making 50K a month in sales for my business. I sold this course to my list and got 79 sales (0.9% conversion rate)

I had experience with selling courses on other platforms (Udemy and Teachable) but I could not get my students to finish the course, because there was no incentives to do so. So I joined EPM and learned the Dopamine tricks to keep students engaged, I had my discord group super active, students delivering work daily, having progress, having them excited enough to give me testimonials that I was able to leverage to get more sales on a black friday offer. I used Xperiencify and because each task would get them XP, students described me the experience of learning as "so much fun" - I was happy to hear that. I got engaged students eager to give me a testimonial so they can show off what they learned, and I got a total of $15K in sales - that number will continue to come as I plan to relaunch every 3-6 months.

Student Engagement I feel like now what I teach has more meaning, and it feels like what I do is more important than before, it is satisfying Give them incentives to take action and reward them when they do I think that financial freedom is becoming more and more possible

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