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497 Honest & Unedited Experience Product Masterclass Reviews from the EPM class of 2023

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

NATAŠA TOVIRAC (class of 2023)

"Sinking into the depths of profound writing and gearing up for an online product, I felt the weight of an insurmountable challenge. The prospect of managing writing, recording, and diving into content creation seemed like an Everest of tasks, particularly with the substantial workload already associated with my live group sessions.

In the face of frustration, time constraints, and waning motivation, I found myself teetering on the edge of despair and burnout. Uncertain of the way forward, I decided to take a leap of faith and joined the EPM program. Little did I know that this decision would catapult me into an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and transformation, orchestrated by the incomparable Marissa.

The program's modules 1-5 became a weekly deluge of incredibly motivational videos, audios, and written materials, forcing me to confront and transcend my old beliefs. It was a clear choice—forge ahead with full intensity or remain submerged in the shackles of outdated convictions. I discovered that, despite burnout and a three-week bedridden stint in December, my mind could function. I not only worked but set daily deadlines, surpassing my own expectations. I rediscovered the joy of pure creation, decision-making, and embracing mistakes.

Embarking on this wild mission alongside my partner turned out to be one of our finest collaborative endeavors in our 18-year journey together. We became classmates, both competing and cheering each other on. A unique positive rivalry emerged, a forgotten aspect of our relationship.

The specific result? Clarity on what and how I want to share with the world, contributing to the fulfillment of women who have lost touch with their bodies. I realized the importance of beginnings, profound questions, and genuine answers. Above all, I embraced the mantra: progress over perfection."

"It's fantastic that I guided three individuals through the entire journey to the Closing Pivot in a Chatterbox Conversation mere days after my graduation.

Reflecting on the process, I initially faced a challenge as I didn't have a concrete plan outlined (as LANDING PAGE or website) for the 7-week program; it was more about verbalizing the concept. Uncertain about how to proceed, I found that potential customers were genuinely intrigued. They politely requested updates as soon as the details were finalized. Among them were my hairdresser, manicurist, and a close friend.

Although I still push myself a bit each day for practice in Chatterboxing, it has proven to be remarkably effective, enjoyable, and convincing. Day by day, I find myself growing more confident and convincing. The goal seems closer than ever, and the enthusiasm surrounding the program is palpable. It's amazing to witness the transformation and positive reception from those who initially expressed interest. Here's to the exciting journey ahead!"

The most significant shift in my business has been the implementation of a more strategic and personalized approach to client interactions. By incorporating a Chatterbox Conversation model, I've noticed a substantial improvement in communication and connection with potential customers. This has not only led to a higher conversion rate but has also created a more engaging and enjoyable experience for both parties involved. The focus on building genuine relationships has become a cornerstone, fostering trust and understanding, which, in turn, has positively impacted the overall success and sustainability of my business. "The EPM experience has been a game-changer, not just for my business but for my overall perspective on success and personal growth. It's provided me with invaluable tools and insights that have enhanced my approach to entrepreneurship.

On a practical level, EPM has equipped me with a structured framework and strategies to effectively launch and scale my business endeavors. The program's emphasis on clarity, communication, and connection has significantly improved my ability to engage with clients and create meaningful relationships.

Beyond the business realm, EPM has influenced my mindset and approach to challenges. The emphasis on progress over perfection has allowed me to navigate setbacks with resilience and learn from every experience. It's a holistic transformation that extends to both my professional and personal life, fostering a sense of empowerment and continuous improvement.

In essence, EPM has not only elevated the success of my business but has also become a catalyst for personal development and a source of inspiration for future endeavors." "The most profound takeaway from EPM has been the shift in my mindset – a transition from seeking perfection to embracing progress. The program's emphasis on taking consistent, intentional steps forward has liberated me from the constraints of self-imposed expectations.

Learning to prioritize progress over perfection has not only enhanced my productivity but has also fostered a healthier relationship with my work. It's a mindset that encourages experimentation, learning from mistakes, and continuous refinement – all crucial elements in the journey of entrepreneurship.

In essence, EPM has instilled in me the mantra that progress, no matter how small, is the true measure of success. This mindset has not only transformed my approach to business but has permeated into various aspects of my life, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced existence." "My Experience Product has opened up a realm of possibilities that were previously beyond my reach. Now, I have the tools and strategies to effectively share my expertise with a broader audience, creating a more significant impact. The program has not only elevated my business's success but has also given me the confidence to explore new avenues and expand my reach.

With a well-crafted Experience Product, I can connect more authentically with my audience, fostering deeper relationships and loyalty. The structured approach has made scalability achievable, allowing me to share my knowledge and insights with a wider community.

In essence, My Experience Product has empowered me to dream bigger, reach higher, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those I aim to serve. It's not just a product; it's a catalyst for growth and a gateway to a future filled with endless possibilities."
"Thank you, dear Marissa! You are so amazing, beautiful and heartfelt soul.
To the entire EPM community and the visionaries behind the program, thank you for creating a space where dreams can flourish, and individuals can unlock their full potential. This journey has been a gift, and I'm truly appreciative of the positive impact it has had on both my professional and personal life. "

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Devi Novianti (class of 2023)

I have been wanting to switch from a full time employees to be a course creator. I took a lot of courses, however I managed to persuade myself to continue to stay in my current role as it is a meaningful role and pay well. However, after I completed my EPM, I feel there are so much possibility out there and now, I can't wait to launch my EPM, build my mini retreat and make the full switch.

Fear of transition It give me clearer picture of possibility I can do this1 To pursue my dream.

Thank you to Marisa and Carolyn. Gratitude

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Afuah Agyekum-Hene (class of 2023)

I was having difficulty organising my thoughts and breaking through to produce something tangible that I wanted to offer others. I felt like I was going around in circles, not making any progress for months. I joined EPM and gained clarity, confidence and tangible strategies and solutions to move forward with my course.

More clarity about what I'm offering Have hope for making some money Given me clarity on how to take an idea and flesh it out Moving on to getting a sale

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Margaret (Meg) Fitzgerald (class of 2023)

"For the past 20 years, I have wanted to run my own business to support others in their journey to feel empowered in their lives, and I always figured I would get to it someday. However, as far as establishing a business, I had no idea how to even begin when Sonia Ricotti sent an email inviting me to learn about creating a business from Marisa. I was so impressed with Marisa’s presentation and program that I signed up for the EPM program immediately. It was a busy time for me to take on one more task, as I had recently taken on a new role creating and teaching 2 new courses at the university, that were extremely time-intensive.

Taking on EPM was like drinking from a firehose, so much information being provided all at the same time. Many nights I did not think I was going to be able to complete the next Milestone, but by focusing on #ProgressOverPerfection, I was able to complete each step, up to graduation. I appreciated that some of the Milestone tasks were in-depth, but some were simple to complete and they kept me motivated to keep moving forward. I was surprised that by having a less intensive task to complete helped keep me motivated after completing a more intensive task. I have learned so much and progressed so far in the past 12+ weeks (the holiday weeks were so appreciated!).

I made it to graduation and am proud of my success, even though I have much more to accomplish! When I started EPM, all I had was an idea of what I wanted to create and now I am steps away from launching my first program. I still need to Chatterbox and Launch, but I would not be this close to launching if it were not for the EPM program. I am working on my Chatterbox wording and overcoming my own mental blocks of talking to others about my program. I will work to get my first “no”, and then my first sale. Also, I look forward to lifetime access to the modules!

I have created the paper plane version of my business program. EPM provided a well-laid-out program to support me as I worked through the steps to create my first business program. My biggest takeaway is how Marisa and EPM overdelivers. I have gained tremendous value from the program through all the step-by-step recorded and live trainings. I have gained the confidence to move my business from a dream into making it a reality, much faster than if I had tried to do this on my own.

Excellent program! Looking forward to completing the modules and launching ;-)

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Lisa Atkinson (class of 2023)

"I was having trouble scaling my business, I wasn't sure how to get more sales and scale. I joined EPM and learned how to create a more basic scalable program. I launched it and got 17 sales from the first offer.

I had an audience of almost 4k, but wasn't able to scale very well. My initial product (one to few year long high-touch 5 hours a week! program at $497/month) was a tough sell for new bloggers at that price and time commitment. So I created a $497 8 week program, added 4 month and 6 month pay options, and created a sales page. After refining it several times, I ended up with 17 sales from 5 masterclasses. The night my bonus expired 5 sales rolled in - 3 within about 20 minutes of each other. That has never happened before. My husband kept saying - is this real? Are you joking about making these sales? Love it. "

I am more confident that I will have long term success Going forward, I plan to offer this program 4 times a year with 30 people each - so $65k a year income - replacing my prior income more. And then use the traction from people in this program to scale my higher ticket program, which is extra income that will make a huge impact on our long term future. Get started and do the work and anything is possible. This brought renewed energy to my business and gave me the opportunity to grow and scale more easily due to the skills I learned.

"If I can make a suggestion, I would like if there was a set of links on the launch page (like even on the bottom) with these few links I always struggled to find... Monday Zoom (and time conversion using, Wednesday Zoom (if possible, or at least the link to where to get it), Friday Zoom (and time conversion using, and Replay link. I could never find these in a hurry and I was scurrying around looking for it every time. And it took me weeks to find the replays. Having a quick consistent place to go for links would be soooo helpful. And having my updatable doc link there would be a bonus. I keep losing that too.

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Kelly-Anne Lauzon (class of 2023)

I was having this problem how I would get people to buy my program when I’m not on social media . I wasn’t sure what to do or how to get my message out there . I joined EPM and I discovered and began to really believe that it’s best to deliver when it’s not completely finished . Work with you clients so that you can create something they flies . I learned about talking to people that I already knew and had told them awhile back that I was creating a communication course for kids . I contacted the people I knew first and I used the chatterboxing method which helped me get to closing . I must say it became easier each time and my voice was more confident although It did help that I already knew these people and they had originally expressed interest . The result was that through that challenge I was able to make my first sale and that helped me to see that it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be and it catapulted me I to wanting more sales .

The biggest change is that I can make money at this . Now when I tell family about my program they don’t say anything negative because they have seen that it can sell . "My biggest take away is that this program is very mythodical and systematic . It helped me to understand the process in a way that took my to mission accomplished and beyond .
" What’s possible now is that I can begin to iterate my way to awesome and have something out there that I am so proud of from people to buy at a higher price

Yes always Thank you

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Justin Gilbert (class of 2023)

I knew from first-hand experience how effective magic could be in a classroom from my own personal experience of working in the school system, but I had no idea how to translate that into something that could be useful for teachers who were not "magicians." I would use magic myself all of the time when I was there, but I moved on with other career opportunities. Through the years, I kept thinking about how valuable it was for the handful of teachers and students I taught some of my techniques to. So I had an idea for a course as a way to share these skills so more teachers could develop classrooms that were not only fun but also conducive to opening minds and showing students that there were a lot of incredible ways to look at solving problems and moving through life. I dabbled in creating content for a few years off and on, but never seemed to be able to move the project to the finish line. Flash forward 10 years into the future, and with my son now attending high school, I saw firsthand how teachers were drowning in lack of engagement and motivation, cell phones, social media, and an antiquated education system in many ways. I saw teacher friends completely burning out and my son and his friends being bored to death. So I knew it was timely to get this idea out to the world. I joined EPM with no real idea of how I was going to accomplish this. With so many distractions in my own world, how could I even get close to pulling off this course in the way that I envisioned while working full time on other projects, raising a kiddo etc. I took the leap anyway. The program has been life-changing for me. I now have a program thought out and ready to share with the world and it all happened through the extraordinary planning, coaching, and thought that was put into the EPM program. I was challenged, but in many ways, it also felt effortless. What a ride, and here I am ready to share what was once only an idea and a dream with the world. When I think of the kids and teachers who are going to benefit from this, I am filled with authentic joy. Real magic.

I have a clear mission to help others with my art The ability to focus and put my wild ideas into a real product Imperfect action and patience to not give up and jump to the next flashy thing I now feel like I can develop and turn all of my fun ideas into real products that help people

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James Mullins (class of 2023)

I have long desired to use my skills and experience to positively impact the lives of more children, parents, and educators than has been possible in my career. The idea of creating an online course to do just that has been percolating in the back of mind for several years, now, but I just didn't have the technical and marketing knowledge to do that. When I signed up for Marisa's EPM course, I was sure I have found my pathway, and I have not been disappointed. I now have the knowledge and support to make that dream a reality, thanks to the Xperiencify process. Thank you!

I am finally able to design, assemble, and launch my online business!!! Well, EPM has really opened my eyes to not only how I can make my online course dream come true, but has actually shown my step-by-step how to reach my customers, and to help them concur some of their most difficult struggles. Family is everything, and I firmly believe my course will help build strong, positive life values in our kiddos. Finally! I have found a methodology and support community that really delivers what it promises. You can really, really tell from the approach Marisa, Murray, all the coaches, and support put into their work that they bring a heart-felt desire for their students' successes. I'm really able to see it happening!

Just a big 'ol THANKS!

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Seth Watson (class of 2023)

"Chatterboxing is still difficult. My issue is getting leads to even talk to. I'm asking my friends and current network to refer me to people but still no luck.

However, in one of my writing masterclasses. A fellow student helped me with this very problem. One of my biggest engines at the moment is LinkedIn. And he gave me some pointers to his sales tracker and search criteria.

After the call, I explained the product and asked if he was interested. (He is a small business owner coaching sales strategies.) He said not at this time, but he would consider it in the future. He does understand the need for my services and agreed to send people my way if the need arises.

I consider this a win, especially considering before hand I haven't been able to get anyone far enough to explain my product.

Now leads are starting to trickle in, so I hope to have more opportunities in the coming weeks."

Getting started, now with a plan and viable path forward. Early to say, but it has proven to me that I can own a business and the tools to get started is within me. Now I just need to find the right mix. How important sales and marketing is. When this takes off, I'll be able to look after my 1 year old son and be able to provide flexibility to our 2 working parent family. That wouldn't exist if I worked a more traditional career.

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Veronica Wilson-McElprang (class of 2023)

I was having a problem organizing and structuring a course that I wanted to present to the world. I was not sure were to start because I am a recovering perfectionist. I joined EPM and learned that I can create a profitable idea in small baby steps as long as I am consistent in taking action. I took consistent action and implemented Coach Carolyn's feedback and now I have a program that I can sell. Most importantly, I have created a program that I proud to share and speak about with confidence.

I had a hard time finding my ideal client, widows that wanted to downsize after loss. EPM helped me to start chatterboxing more which led to a 7.5 degree pivot with two weeks left. First, chatterboxing forced me to get in front of people and speak. Second, chatterboxing showed me that it would be ideal to expand my microniche from widows to anyone that has experienced loss. Finally, it has made me drop any thoughts of perfectionism. This is the first time that I have created a solid business plan/program. Entrepreneurship makes you look into your own eyes to get honest about what you are doing to create value. There is no fluff to hide behind. I am more confident in my ability to follow through during periods of uncertainty. Iterate, iterate, iterate! Perfection is overated. Start chatterboxing sooner. I know that I will be able to prove this concept. It will just take a bit longer than the length of the course. I am positive that I will have three sales by the end of February.

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